
Monday, June 1, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 79: Long Days, Good Nights

49 this morning. Chilly enough to light the stove but a good start to the day. No humidity to speak of, and sunshine all day with a high of 70.

We were up early again to get into the garden. Last night we got a delivery of mulch hay at 9:30. Larry was almost ready to go to bed when the hay arrived. It was unloaded quickly, and Larry had to admire the man's teenage daughter who handled the heavy bales like a pro. Usually we get hay from our neighbor's but this year there was no old hay to be had, since last summer was bad for haying. So we had to buy some. We got plenty, and this morning were out putting down cardboard and covering it with hay. This is the third year we've done this, and I hope we have the same good results as in past years.

After mulching I went up to the meadow to pick red clover blossoms to dry for tea. I like a mix of clover, rose hips, orange peel and mint, and will make up a blend after the clover dries. It has been many years since I've had time to do this, or to even walk in our meadow. The neighbors cut the hay, so there's no real reason for me to go up there, but it was so pretty today--red and yellow clover blossoms, daisies, tall grasses, and I even found a patch of wild spearmint.

Larry tackled a job he's been putting off--cleaning out the chicken coop. He got about half of it done and his trailer was full before he stopped to cut grass. While he was doing that, I weeded the last flowerbed I needed to get to, painted a small table, and then came inside to do a few ebay listings of some items from the estate we bought. And then it was time to take his truck to the shop for repair, and pick up some laying mash for the hens. When we got home, neither of us had energy to get into anything, so we sat on the patio and enjoyed the beautiful evening.

The days will probably fall into much the same pattern as June progresses. The gardens, grass and outdoors in general take over our lives. We get up early, and go to bed early too. Today our work was interspersed with conversations about the weekend's protests and the state of race relations in this country. It's hard to believe we have not been able to get any further in understanding than we have, after all these years. I despise violence, and especially destruction and looting, which will only cause more distrust and anger.

I know I can never really understand the black experience as I have not lived it, and will never have black sons and daughters for whom I fear every time they leave the house. But I do have two black great-nephews, and for them, yes I worry. What will they face as they get older? I wish I could see a brighter future, but right now it looks like nothing will change.

I try to focus on what is good, the simple things of life and the natural cycle of all living things that at least give some semblance of order. Today I was happy to see the summer tanagers at the feeder, visitors we look forward to every year, and also to the advance scouts of cedar waxwings in the mulberry trees. Whatever we humans do, nature will follow the same clock she always has. That's something to give us hope.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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