
Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 81: Work, Work, Work

70 this morning, already too warm too early. Cloudy but sun and wind later. Storms were predicted but none materialized.

Our goal today was to finish mulching the garden--which we did. Or rather, Larry did. I was the main mover on this yesterday, but with continuing issues with sciatica and my right hip flexor muscle in addition to knee problems, I could not do much of the mulch work today. So Larry put down the cardboard and the hay while I made a big country breakfast of eggs, sausage, grits, sliced tomatoes and toast. Then I did cleanup and got the laundry done while he finished the mulching.

I don't think I showed a photo of my June teacup and teapot. I am continuing to try changing them out each month, just to be able to use what I have. So this is my morning duo right now: vintage Universal Potteries teapot,

and a pretty English teacup that was a gift from a friend.

The garden looks good, except the plants seem so small for this time of year, and are barely visible over the mulch. I have to remind myself that we started our own plants, and got a late start at that. Surely things will come along! But it is disconcerting to look out and see mostly hay and tomato stakes surrounded by the electric fence.

Speaking of the fence: We saw deer prints in the garden the other day. The deer took one bite of the purple beans and apparently didn't like the taste because they didn't touch anything else. Larry added some strands of fishing line at the top of the fenceposts, as he's done in past years, and that should deter the deer.

The rest of the day was more of the same: he finished cleaning out the chicken house and repaired the floor before putting in new bedding. I listed some things on ebay and planted flowers. I will have to take photos tomorrow of the planter wall we added to one end of a flowerbed. This bed doesn't do well usually, but I am working on that. Too much water runs off over this bed, washing out the soil. The planter wall will stop some runoff and I've ordered some edging to stop the water getting into the bed in the first place. Tomorrow I'll add more good dirt, and more plants.

I also ordered a new refrigerator. The used one we bought last summer is just not working properly and we're tired of fooling with it. So this time, I got a brand new one. I'm not sure when it will be delivered but I am looking forward to having a good fridge again.

Oh, one other little project: the ghost trike.

We've had this trike for sale in our booths for a couple years with no bites, so I painted it. I bet someone will want it now for their garden!

This evening we rested. We sat on the porch and just looked out at what we've accomplished so far this year. Being home more means getting more done. We're fixing little things we've let go and making plans for more repairs in the future. It's nice to feel like we're making progress.

Of course we continue to monitor the news. Two more cases of the virus in our county. Our Governor has again made comments that infuriate. Demonstrations abound. This year so far has been nothing if not stressful and unpredictable. As my Florida son said, what's next, aliens?? Stay safe, well, and serene, my friends.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. I just cannot watch the news. I haven't watched it for years. I do try to stay up to date reading but live news is too dramatic. I often read later that it's been over dramatized or important facts left out which changes how it was presented. Sound bites are so ridiculous....taking things out of context.

    I was very happy to get up to rain this morning. It's been hot & muggy here too. The dust has been rolling in off the gravel road so I'm very happy to have some dust free days for now.

    And I have little tomatoes on a few of my plants.I also have aphids...I struggle with aphids every single year on something. They seem to jump around.

    I'm staying home as well....our numbers have gone way up in my county this past week.


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