
Monday, June 8, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 85: Bright Days

About 60 degrees the past two mornings, low humidity and just perfect.

We got out early the past two days to get into the garden before the sun reached our place. It's been heavenly to work without sweat! We're getting closer to being finished planting, just pumpkins and late cabbage left to put in. Today we mulched the new raspberries and melons, put up the fence for the cucumbers and tilled the corn garden. The potatoes are getting ready to bloom, and the other plants are looking as they should, finally. After much worrying and fretting and fertilizing with MiracleGro, they are now as green as can be. At last we've overcome the effects of too much rain.

Yesterday we set up the chicken house for the new baby chicks. These are meat chickens and needed to be separate from the laying hens. So Larry put a cage in there for them complete with light, etc. They have settled in well so far. These chicks were a gift from a neighbor, and what a lovely gift they are. I'll have photos as soon as I remember to take my camera to the chicken house.

When we finished that project, he went off to a neighbors o pick up a load of scrap lumber--well, it's scrap to the neighbor, but good useful wood to us. There are another 3 loads to be picked up, and then we'll be well supplied for all kinds of small building and repair projects. The neighbor had a garage built and this wood is what was left after the garage was completed.

While Larry was getting the wood. I sat on the porch and read my book, The Chilbury Ladies Choir by Jennifer Ryan. I finished it this evening, and am sad that it's over. It's a great read, written in an interesting format, about a small English village during the beginning of WWII. While it seems light reading, that's deceptive. The story has many threads, all expertly woven by a master storyteller.

Today was booth work again, this time at Marietta. Since we've downsized there to one booth, it's both easier and harder to stock it. The space seems so limited and we have to take things out in order to add new merchandise. Feels like a two steps forward, one step back---and sometimes the other way around.

Here's a few photos from today's work. It's not easy to get goo photos in such a cramped space. There's not a whole lot new because the mall has only been re-opened a short while and traffic has been very light so far. Still, we were happy that we had some decent sales, considering.

Here's the small Queen Anne desk, and the two chairs from the estate, along with a yoyo quilt and a folding sewing stand.

Some jadeite items sold but I still have a few things. The butter dish is new reproduction jade green glass, great for everyday use.

Copper items usually sell well at this location, so I hope these canisters find a buyer soon.
Before I'm tempyed to bring them home!

I love this magnifying glass! 

I brought in the metal cart today. I've had it on my porch for a while, but never really intended to keep it.

I'm surprised this fern stand is still in the store. Another thing tempting me to bring it home!

I brought in the mirror that is leaning against the dresser today too. There's so little space to hang things up now. I am glad of the lower rental cost and less work to do at this location, but it does push me to find ways to display everything.

The game plan for this booth is to bring several bigger new items each month, and rotate out the smalls to keep it as fresh as possible. We'll see how that works in the coming months.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Love the desk and other items. One day, I have to get to that area of to see your space.

  2. Just popped over to recommend another book as you seem to enjoy my recommendations. Do try to get 'The Garden of Lost and Found' by Harriet Evans - a delight from start to finish.

    1. Thank you, Weaver! I've passed on the recommendations to friends and several have ordered the Chilbury book already. I sent Olive Ketteridge to my sister to read, and she's enjoying it very much. I'll send Chilbury to my youngest sister. It's been so good to discover new reading pleasures.

  3. I love good glass magnifying glasses of all sizes, from the botanist's hand-lens I used to wear for fieldwork to the large, heavy-based ones that be adjusted over a work surface. If I ever do more linocuts, I think I'll invest in one of the latter so I can be confident about detailed cutting.


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