
Monday, July 6, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 112: An Ordinary Day

72 this morning, not as humid so it was a pleasant day until later in the afternoon. Today's high was 88, much better than the 90's we've been seeing. Still no rain in sight.

We dug up the carrots today and put them in the freezer. Not many but a nice size so we had 6 baggies to freeze. I think tomorrow we'll cut the kale. Larry planted more beets and kale, and planted Tenderette beans where the onions were.

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When the beets come out...hmmm....what to plant? Maybe leave the space open until August and plant more lettuce then? I ordered some broccoli seeds and will try starting some plants to put in for fall broccoli. My sister suggested buying this agricultural fabric row cover to keep the cabbage moths off so I'm willing to try broccoli again if it works. Cannot stand those worms that get in it!

What else have we been doing? Well, Larry had to work on the freezeless hydrant because it was leaking down under the ground. That meant he had to turn off the water to the house, so we filled many buckets just in case the repairs took longer than expected. He had to make a trip to town for parts but still got it finished up by mid-afternoon. One more thing to check off the to-do list.

I'd planned to can more veggie soup today, as there were things in the freezer that we need to use, but without water that plan went out the window. So I finished up the end tables I was painting and worked on another cabinet.

This is one table, finished.

And the other, before paint. Both tables had burns on the tops that were too deep to sand out, so I opted to paint them. I liked them in their original finish but they would not sell with those marks on them. I'm happy with the way they look now.

I didn't like the way that cabinet came out when I painted it over the weekend, so I sanded it off and re-did some of it. Looks much better now, and just needs wax. No photo yet, maybe tomorrow. I listed several things on ebay too--three really good finds from the antique mall where I have booths.  Two are Early American Pattern Glass, and fairly rare. The little creamer is a pattern called Duchess, by King & Son, circa 1898 I believe.

Then this large water pitcher was made by US Glass, same year. It's called Aquarium. I really love this one, with the fish swimming around and seaweed floating.

And last, a pretty gravy boat in purple toile that is also apparently quite rare.

And then I worked on revisions to a couple of poems I wrote some years ago. The poetry group has gone back to in-person meetings but I do not want to do that with the virus spreading so fast right now. So I will have to work on my own. While taking a break I read Wendell Berry's book of poetry, The Peace of Wild Things. I've read it before, but it is just so, so good.

That was our day. Nothing spectacular, just the usual routine of staying-at-home. How have your days been going?

Food diary: breakfast--scrambled eggs, bacon, sliced tomatoes, toast, applesauce. Snack--sliced orange. Dinner--mostly leftovers since no water to cook with: meatloaf, baked beans, and sliced cucumber.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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