
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 126: Pickings, and Rain at Last

73 this morning, with a light shower falling at 7am.

I can't believe it! The heavens finally relented and gave us a little rain. Not much, about a half-inch, but beggars can't complain. I told Larry it was enough to make me want to strip naked and dance in it--but then decided to spare him the sight. Joking, of course! I can't actually imagine me doing that, although as dry as it's been I think I'd do anything.

Which is so funny, when looking back at May and the continual rain and cold we had to endure then. I do wish Mother Nature would get over her menopause or whatever it is that's causing these extremes of weather. The meteorologists say we'll be having these 90-degree days through the end of the month. It's bearable if there is rain to go with it.

And tomorrow, we get a break from watering. I'm proud of us for keeping up as well as we have. Larry's done the bulk of it; my part is the manual filling of watering cans for the flowers. I did help figure out a tripod for the sprinkler, though--my microphone stand! It works perfectly and we get a better coverage than sticking the waterer on the ground.

We've had a little break the past two days. Yesterday we drove over near Columbus, Ohio to pick up a cabinet a lady offered me. We had only the one day to get it so we had to go. It was a nice road trip, and a break from the routine. After a while, watering, weeding, and sweating does get monotonous. Then today we visited my favorite picker and got some really nice things to re-sell. And Larry got several sprinklers too. I hadn't priced those things in a while as we usually get them at yard sales or the like, but they're over $25 in most places now. Our friend gave Larry 5 sprinklers today, for free. They will be put to good use.

So here's a bit of what we got from our friend today.

Huge Blenko vase. This thing is over 25" tall, just a beauty!

All kinds of good things--reproduction cobalt jars, a cool graniteware spoon, a wall ceramic Christmas tree, Pyrex Fridge dishes and bowl, Blenko ashtrays, a graniteware refrigerator drawer, and a No Parking sign. There were also some ice skates, a crate, and a few other things that didn't make the photo.

Old treadle sewing machine drawers
Early American Pattern Glass large cruet, Dew Drop pattern by Model Flint Glass, circa 1899

Stovetop aluminum popcorn popper

Awesome old tricycle

Beautiful cranberry swirl lamp. This might be Fenton, but it's not marked.

And last, an antique oil lamp I've yet to identify. I added the chimney and shade from my stock but I think it needs a different, bigger shade, maybe?

I spent the afternoon washing these things up and looking up IDs while Larry went fishing. And then spent the evening on the porch watching the rain and the lingering showers. Altogether a nice day. Tomorrow we'll be back to our usual work, but these two days were a needed break from routine.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Glad you got some rain. That old tricycle is wonderful. Is there much call for those? I know old bikes are a feature in people's gardens. -Jenn

  2. We keep missing the rain at our house. My grandson asked me this morning if he could play in the rain today (he's 2) & I said if it rains & if there's no lightning...we'll both play in the rain. So far I don't have my hopes up.

    He runs around naked most of the time now in this heat & playing in the water....lucky little thing.

  3. I totally understand the desire to dance in the rain! It was so dry, it was discouraging. We finally got some rain As well. The trees and veggies are loving it. The flowers just looked bedraggled this morning.

  4. We finally got a little rain too. Great finds!

  5. We had a massive downpour this afternoon - fortunately there had been time in the steamy morning to get a couple of necessary things done outdoors, and I was covering the hay bales when the thunder started and raindrops began to fall. It will be nice not to have to water by hand tonight, but I hope the corn hasn't been knocked down, Fingers crossed!

  6. We got rain, too. I was so happy. And now it's raining again, one of those gullywashers. My gardens are happy.


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