
Friday, July 31, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 135: Sibling Non-Rivalry

72, raining, so humid.

Today was booth work day. We ended up going to both locations today. We sold a desk at Ravenswood and needed to do some rearranging there, then in Marietta we made a lot of changes, took some things out, added new items. A long but good day.

Then home for the weekly family Zoom call. This week there were six of us, 5 of the sisters and our oldest brother, the usual group. Others sometimes join us but we seem to be the core that comes to talk every week. This week we talked about family memories, the different relationships each of us had with our parents. 

Some funny memories--my brother filled in many details of a time we got into big trouble when we played barber shop and he and my other two older brothers cut off one of my braids. What he remembered was how jealous I was of my mother getting her hair done by the lady we called "Aunt Tony" although she wasn't our aunt. Apparently I wanted my hair done too, so my brothers offered their services. The result was my first trip to a beauty parlor to get my hair fixed--I was 4 or 5 at the time--so in the end I guess I got what I wanted.

I really enjoy these calls and the opportunity to get to know my siblings better. For almost 50 years I've lived over 300 miles away and for some of those years had no telephone. I lost touch with a lot of my family, and then of course  when I started working full time there was little time for visiting. So now because of the coronavirus we are finding time for these weekly video get-togethers, and it's such a gift.

Bedtime for me. Tomorrow we will be unloading the van and back into the usual flow of our days. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Oh my, your brothers and their beauty shop made me laugh! I'm glad it worked out the way you originally wanted anyway :)

  2. It is so wonderful that you can all get together online and enjoy each other's company.


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