
Saturday, August 29, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 165: Toast and Toast

72, cloudy, humid, fog this morning. Rained most of the night, but today the cloud cleared and it was a nice, although hot at 86, and humid.

So Larry has been complaining about our 1950's Sunbeam toaster. This is the coolest toaster, believe me. It takes the bread down when you drop it in the slots, automatically, and brings it back up again so smoothly. Yes, in the 50's they had this technology. So cool.

But Larry had so many problems with it. The toast wouldn't go down for him, and he'd call for me in frustration almost every time he tried to use the toaster. The problem was almost always the same: he'd somehow jammed the bread, or had jammed the automatic riser piece. I'd unplug the toaster, shake it a bit or stick my finger down in the there to free the mechanism, or get a fork and fish the bread out. The other problem was a simple one--he'd forget to check to make sure the toaster was plugged in. A patient man, he's not, and if something isn't right there in front of his eyes, he can't see it. I'm not telling any secrets here, he'd tell you the same things.

So today I found him a new toaster:

a 1930's model, made by an obscure company called Son-Chief. Apparently the company made toasters for quite a few years, and some of them were pretty streamlined. This one, well. Maybe you've had a toaster like this at some time in your life. You flip the doors down, put your bread in, wait a minute or two, open the doors, turn the bread over, and wait a couple minutes again. Walk away to do something else and you'll have burnt toast.

This is the kind of toaster we had when I was a young girl. It toasts fast, and there's no way to jam the bread in too-narrow slots. But it does require vigilance. 

Larry likes it. We'll see how well he likes it after he uses it a few times. Something tells me I'll be back in the toaster market before too long. Although I am perfectly happy with the Sunbeam myself. Maybe I should just take on toast master duties myself?

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Hilarious! I'd be a little apprehensive using an appliance from the 30s for fear of starting a fire.

    We haven't used a toaster in decades. We have a toaster oven & we love it. It gets used many times a day.

  2. Good toast. Err, I mean Post! I really like both those toasters.

  3. You made me laugh! I remember the toaster with the doors. So cool! I'm afraid Larry will get tired of waiting for the toast to brown, though. He's such a busy man, he won't have time for standing still.


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