
Saturday, August 22, 2020

Covid Journal: What Day Is It Anyway?

I am so behind on posts, but I have good reasons, honestly. What a week it's been.

First off, there was our poor old dog. Did I write about him being snake-bit? I don't think I did. Poor Otis. He is almost recovered now, but it was quite a scare. We think probably it was a copperhead. 

A happier event was getting this cabinet in place. 

We bought it in Ohio about a month ago, intending to sell it. But we liked it so much we decided to replace my old jelly cabinet with it. Now I can see the pretty dishes inside.

Then there were those peaches. I am finally done with them. Twenty quarts and more hours than I want to count later, but they're done and will be wonderful this winter. While I've been working on them, Larry's been at our son Derek's, continuing work on a block retaining wall there. 

A beautiful sky in Ohio on Thursday. Why was I in Ohio again? Well, after getting the insurance settlement for the damage Larry did to my poor van, we decided it was time to let the old girl go and get another one. 

I spent more countless hours on the computer, looking for one that was very like our old Toyota Sienna, only newer.  I finally narrowed the choice down to two, and we went to look at them Thursday. Both were in Ohio, and the one we eventually bought was in Wooster, a fair distance away, a 3 1/2 hour drive. But we found pretty close to what we wanted for the price we wanted, so we're happy and relieved to have this major hurdle out of the way.

As for the old van, we've decided to donate her to a disabled veterans organization that takes used vehicles. With her high mileage--256,000+ --and some mechanical issues, this seems like a good idea. I'll be completing the request form soon, and then we'll say a fond farewell to our faithful old girl.

Today we had some catch-up errands to do, including buying floormats, seat covers, etc for the new van. We stopped at a yard sale being held back a beautiful country road. A couple who were 86 and 87 years old, are moving to Florida and have sold their amazing home. We bought a lot of nice things for reasonable prices, and had a good visit with them. I wish I'd known them before--now they're almost ready to move away. Their gardens were quite a sight to see, flowers and herbs, vegetables and fruits everywhere. A veritable Garden of Eden. They've been caring for it all by themselves, and it's not a small place, covering several acres. What role models they are.

So that's most of the news. There are a couple other things, one good and two sad, that I'll try to write about in the next few days.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. That couple sounds inspiring. Imagine picking up sticks and moving at that age! My parents never even made it to that age. Congratulations on finishing up your peaches. You'll be happy for the work you put in during the winter. What kind of vehicle did you decide to buy to replace your old one? I've always been happy with Toyotas. Did you get another one? -Jenn

  2. Those darn peaches! You gottem done and found your van! A hard week . . . but an accomplished one.


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