
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Covid Journal; Day 191: Still in the Kitchen

Rain at last. It showered all night, and off and on all day today. So thankful. 59 again this morning, and didn't warm up much all day.

I was in the kitchen almost all day again today. The garden is winding down, but there are still some things to put up. The problem is, I keep running out of jars, and I am sure now I have used every single quart anywhere around this place. I really had to scrounge today to get 7 for the vegetable soup.

I still have some pints, though, and that's good because I still have tomatoes coming in. Today I made more of the chili sauce I mentioned the other day, Jenn's recipe. It's so good; still in the canner so no photo. Tomorrow, I hope to make some sumac jelly. We shall see if that happens since I have some running to do first. At least I still have a box of half-pint jars for the jelly. I've never made it before, but I have made lemonade from sumac and it's delicious.

The other thing we did today was to take out the small sofa in the living room. Larry hauled it off the the Goodwill. We just don't need it any more, and we now have a little more space. It's funny how just moving one thing out meant a whole lot of re-arranging and cleaning. Where does all that dust come from? I still have one chair full of things that I need to figure out what to do with. This stuff is actually from the bedroom, and was in or on the dresser we painted and took to our booth last week.  So here's a look at the new arrangement, junk and all.

The other news today is that a short poem I wrote last month was featured today on the Central Coast Poetry Show. Kind of exciting, since I so rarely submit my poems anywhere. If you'd like to read it, just click the link above.

First fire in the fireplace tonight, as it's a perfect night for it, cool and drizzly.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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