
Thursday, October 29, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 220: Rain and Living Off the Land

It's been a rainy, cloudy week and today, we have the remains of Hurricane Zeta, now just rain and more rain. 

It's been a nice respite, really, the rain and the cloudy, cool weather, after so many weeks of mostly sunshine. The rain has greened up the gardens again; even the tomatoes have come back to life after getting hit hard by blight, and are showing some bloom--which I am sure will come to nothing. But we are still gathering a few peppers and ripe tomatoes, a blessing since November looms close.

Larry is doing well, following doctor's instructions for the most part. It's hard on him to have to let some things go and I have to hold him back sometimes. The biggest danger right now is pneumonia, so that's what we're guarding against. Am I still as stressed and worried? Not as much. He seems to have had some sense knocked into him with this fall, thank goodness. I am anxiously waiting for his doctor appointment, which isn't until later in November unfortunately. Until then, the focus will be on getting those ribs healed. It's been good for him to slow down, and he's back to the way I liked him best. Love is a funny old thing, isn't it--as angry and upset as we can get with the one we love, it's the glue that keeps us together and moving forward. He's still my best friend.

So while he's more house-bound than usual, I've been concentrating on my ebay store. Packages are flying out the door these days as I have a 30 percent off sale running that's really brought in the sales. It's helping a lot to clear some inventory. You can find a link to my store on the right side of this blog, if you'd like to take a look. 

And painting. I'm back to painting furniture, although today I'll have to pull off and start canning pears. They've ripened nicely in their paper wrappers, although quite a few rotted. I think wrapping them has helped keep the bad ones from ruining the others though. I also have peppers to do something with. Probably pickling those.

As I listened to the rain this morning, I started looking for folktales about rain, specifically Appalachian ones. Surprisingly, I didn't find any. Perhaps I need to write a new tale, then? I found a wealth of weatherlore, which I've written about quite often on this blog. But no folktale. There are some ballads, however, one of my favorites being Wind and Rain. I found this version being sung by one of my new favorite singers, Molly Tuttle. 

And as I was roaming about the web looking for stories, I happened on several youtube videos about older people living simple lives on the land. My favorite is Margaret Gallagher, of County Fermanagh, Ireland.

This was taped at an earlier time. In 2017, Margaret was 75 and still living her simple life in her cottage. There are later videos of her on Youtube, like this one:

She's an inspiration. For several years we considered leaving our place to live someplace more convenient, but after watching this, I think I already have a very convenient life after all. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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