
Saturday, November 14, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 237: Fruitcake Day

A chilly 36 this morning, and frost in places. Hazy sunrise, with some fog.

Will this be the killing frost at last? We shall see when the sun hits the mulberry trees. Right now one is a glorious golden yellow, the other many shades of yellow and green. Usually these trees are the last to shed their leaves, only doing so when we have a heavy frost. Then they drop all their leaves within an hour. It's amazing to see--the ground will be carpeted solidly with them.

This little tree is a seedling from the older tree. 

This tree was planted by our son Derek when he was 8. He's now 48. It did not bear any fruit until he was 18 and in Iraq for his first tour. Each year these trees are filled with Cedar Waxwings when the berries are ripe. It's a beautiful sight to see.

Last night's sky had only the faintest tinge of red in it. I believe today will be a mix of clouds and sun, then rain tomorrow. 

It doesn't matter what the weather does today, this is fruitcake day! I laid out all the ingredients and a copy of the recipe last night. And then at 12:30 realized that I needed to set out the butter to soften, and to make some strong coffee so it would be cold by morning. So back up I got to get those little tasks done. Now I'm ready to go. I think.

Since Covid is preventing us getting together this year, my sisters and I will be making our cakes via Zoom. There's more than one way to skin the cat, as the saying goes. And now I'm wondering where that saying came from!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. My maternal grandmother used to make fruitcake. I was the only one to like it in our family. No one would eat it so it was mine. :) Even today, no one in my family likes it so I always search for a small one when the season comes. Enjoy making and eating it. :)

  2. I do believe that there are two kinds of people in this world: those who like fruit cake and those who do not. Bless you, Susanna for making it, but it would be a waste on me. Have a great rest of your weekend. -Jenn


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