
Thursday, December 17, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 272: Catching Up

A light snow cover, 30 degrees. Fog rising. The past week has been day after day of similar temps--up in the 40's, down to the 30's at night. Yesterday, rain before the snow, so not much of the pretty heavy snowfall stuck. 

So, what's everyone been up to?

It's been a busy week for us, and I expect the same is true for most of you, too. Larry and I got into cleaning, a good deep cleaning that this house really needed. Just the bedroom is left to do now. It's been nice to work together like this--we're a good team. The house will be sparkling for the holidays. 

Yesterday I packed all the family gifts for mailing today. With the mail slowdown, I'm a little concerned that they might not arrive in time, but since these are all in-state, I am hopeful. I ordered online for my Florida son and his family and had those gifts shipped direct. Fingers crossed that all arrive by Christmas.

Last week I worked on furniture all week, and we took those pieces to our booth. The table and chairs sold within a few days, the third set this month. I am wondering why--is it that people are home now, and want a family table again, after years of just using the breakfast bar in the kitchen? Or is it parents buying them for "school" tables, for their children to do homework now that school is virtual more often than not? I will have to scramble to find more chairs for a table I have ready to go--but no painting for me until after Christmas. I need a break.

Here is the set that sold, and the finished buffet:

And here is the aqua Formica and chrome set that sold 2 weeks ago, in its new home. So thrilled that a friend's sister bought it. She sent me photos, and is so happy with it.

And a better photo of her stove. I love it.

Today, I will be making cranberry sauce to can, and also some firestarters  that are made with wax and lint. I made them some years ago but forgot about them until my oldest son mentioned them. So I'll send some to him when they're finished--an after-Christmas gift.

Larry and I had planned to buy gifts for each other this year, since we've done so well with our booths. But when we talked it over, we decided that we really didn't want to shop in stores because of this pandemic, and neither of us could think of a thing we really wanted and needed. We have so much, compared to many others. We are well-supplied with food, it's almost an embarrassment of riches. Our closets are full, we have movies and music and books, tools and good vehicles. Our family is all well and fortunately all kept their jobs. So we decided to donate the money we would have spent to a local organization that helps families. They run a thrift where I have found many amazing bargains, so it's a thank you to them for that. It felt good to hand over that check. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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