
Thursday, December 24, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 280: Christmas Eve

40 this morning and rain showers, predicted to turn to snow later.

Merry Christmas Eve! Pardon the crooked photo. Sometimes I am so camera-challenged. 

So, all preparations are in place for Christmas, I think. How about you? I've cooked everything I can in advance--venison stew for tonight, chili to put in the freezer for the weekend, corn salad for tomorrow--and now it's time to do the last bits of cleaning. And watch the weather radar.

Our youngest son's plane is due to land right about the time the snow is supposed to start. I feel like I'm on pins and needles, watching the weather, watching the progress of his flight from Miami to Chicago--because for reasons only the airlines understand, he had to fly there to connect to the Charleston WV airport. It's one of the facts of life here, that you really can't get here from anywhere without having to go somewhere else first--DC, Chicago, Atlanta, you name it. There are some small airlines that fly direct but their schedules are pretty limited. Which is why we usually drive to Columbus or Pittsburgh to fly out. 

So it's a waiting game now, hoping his flight avoids the bad weather and get around the coming snow. In the meantime, I'll putter around the house, watch the computer and the clock, and pray that all goes well. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Have a really happy Christmas...I will be thinking of your son's progress to see you...that he will be successful along with all the other travelers. Stay safe, stay healthy!

  2. I hope all goes (or went) well with the travel and the weather, and I hope your Christmas is a magical one. Wishing you all the very best in 2021, my friend.


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