
Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 286: Taxes. Ugh.

35 this morning, partly cloudy after a night of beautiful full moon and then light showers. Warmed up a little yesterday but not much; the air has a real bite to it.

I spent yesterday afternoon sorting receipts and entering them in a spreadsheet. Yep, it's that time of year. Every. Single. Year I swear I am not going to get behind on the paperwork, that I'm going to enter all the receipts, etc., every month. And what happens? 

I am usually good about getting them done until garden time and/or storytelling hits. Then it's all over. The paper piles up as I promise myself I'll get to it "soon." By September, I acknowledge that I won't get to it until crunch time. Every year. Sigh.

At least I've started early. I got everything sorted, and there's little storytelling stuff to worry about, which reduces the work significantly. My goal is to have all this entered by midnight on the 31st. Which is tomorrow, gulp. So you know where I will be spending my day. And it's my own fault.

Enough with the whining already! I need more tea, and some breakfast, then it's time to get on with it. I sure hope your day has better plans than mine! 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. You are not alone, I too have managed to put off some things til the last minute. I tell myself that I work better under pressure...

  2. Every. year. Same problem. When will I ever learn???


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