
Thursday, February 11, 2021

Covid Journal, Day 329: Snow and Ice

29 and cloudy. 

The snow did finally arrive during the night, after an evening of cold, cold rain. I can't remember when I've seen it rain at 33 degrees, but that's what we had. So naturally, it all turned to ice under the later snow.

It is a beautiful, if treacherous, world out there this morning. Larry is out clearing walks, but I will not be going out there. He has the Yak Trax on his boots, which makes it much safer, but still it's slippery. 

I don't feel like taking a tumble, so I will play it safe and stay indoors. Still, from this vantage point I can still take photos of the beauty outside.

He is almost finished, and I bet he'll want coffee so I better go and get the pot on. Meantime, have a read through this post from 2019. all about ice superstitions and such. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Take me home Country the pictures. I have lived in so many states...this is my 31st move...from Indiana-family here-to Florida-family there...might not be the last...who knows? I love your blog and read it faithfully. It is the first I ever read...which led me to many others...and so on and so on and so on...eventually, I have quit reading many of them-not on your blog list--because of their meaness toward Pres. sad...oh well...keep your shops too...would love to have gone there...

    1. Hi Brenda, thank you for continuing to be a reader. I understand how you feel about the mean comments about our new President, but I remember how badly I felt, and how angry and frustrated I was,after the 2016 election, so I can understand how people feel. I guess it's their turn to vent, and maybe in 4 years it will be our turn again. Hugs, my friend, and hang in there.

  2. It sure looks cold. I hate ice especially if it's hiding under the snow. I used to hate driving on it and walking isn't any better. I had spikes that you put on over your boots and those worked fine. Have a great day!

    1. It's cold, sure enough, Bill. I don't ever remember a day like today, with fog but little to no thawing. It's beautiful, but so damp which makes it feel colder than what the temperature indicates.

  3. What beautiful scenery you have to look out onto. Thank you for sharing your photos.
    We finally have snow, instead of rain here in the PNW.

    1. I am thankful every day for my surroundings, Brig. It's not easy getting in and out sometimes, but well worth the occasional inconvenience.

  4. I put those chain thingys on my boots to feed the horses. Sure makes walking a little bit better in the ice and snow. It's been cold, cold here, too, with snow blowing the last few days. Makes me think winter hasn't forgotten how to act!

    1. Judy, those things are awesome, aren't they. I have *finally* made a believer out of Larry. He always resisted putting them on, but now he just leaves them on his boots. he takes so many tumbles, this might prevent at least a few of them. You be careful, sister mine. I do worry about you having to be out in all weather to tend your horses.


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