
Sunday, February 14, 2021

Covid Journal, Day 332: Valentine's Day

28 and still icy; yesterday's fog froze overnight on vehicles and added a little more ice to everything. Cloudy all day, with a winter storm warning for tonight.

Happy Valentine's Day, dear readers. It's certainly a different one, isn't it? We are so icy and snowy that I wonder if anyone actually ventured out to celebrate last night. I was really hoping they didn't because I am sure the roads were treacherous. Better to stay home and enjoy the holiday in safety. Which, for a change, isn't about the Covid virus but about the weather. 

We spent the day quietly, but busy. Larry got the blade put on the tractor in case we get deeper snow--I thought he'd already done this for some reason, but he'd taken it off to pull in some fallen trees to cut up for the fireplace. He also started the truck, which hasn't been started for over a week, and warmed it up, and checked over the generator and ran it for a bit, putting in fresh gas so it's ready to go if needed. We only use it for the freezer or refrigerator, if needed. Although if the weather gets cold enough, they'll both be fine-we'll take everything out of the fridge and store it outside where it will keep very well if the power does go off. The forecast is still unpredictable, so we're prepared for whatever comes.

I did the usual housework, and made a chocolate cake, as promised, with raspberry filling and cream cheese icing. 

I may end up freezing half of it--I wonder, does cake freeze? It's doubtful we'll be able to eat all of it. But it was fun to make, and it's been a long time since I have made a cake. Cookies are better, for just two people, really.

Our neighbor has been trout-fishing today at one of those pay-to-fish places, and gave us about 20 trout, so that's the next thing we have to tackle. Not exactly what I had in mind for Valentine's Day, but no one in the right mind would turn down trout. So I'd best be off here and go help Larry get them done. 

But if you have time, you may want to have a read through this post I wrote a few years ago, all about the legends and lore of Valentine's Day. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. We freeze cake frequently. It's as good when it thaws as when we put it in the freezer. Be safe in this next winter storm!

  2. Hope you had a great Valentine's day. Trout, you are absolutely right about not turning it down. :) Enjoy and have a wonderful week.


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