
Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Covid journal, Day 357: Garden Time

46 and slightly overcast with thin clouds that still allow the sun to come through. 70 is predicted today.

I got out in the gardens again yesterday. It is amazing how quickly Spring is, well, springing. Everywhere bulbs are peaking through; some of the crocus is in bloom, and here and there I find dandelions and heal-all blooming in the grass, their blossoms snugged against the ground as if trying not to commit too much yet.

Leaves are everywhere. The flowerbeds are full of them. We've been raking or blowing them out and hauling them to the chickens, who are thrilled to have this interesting material to scratch in. I am so happy to see that most of my new plants from last year survived the winter, and even some that are usually annuals, like calendula and rosemary, are hanging in there. Parsley, chamomile, thyme and oregano all seem to have made it through, and the multiplier onions I planted in the fall are doing great. Larry picked some this morning to add to the chili he got out of the freezer for his supper today. There are still turnips to be had from the garden, although the kale seems to have succumbed to the winter and the deer. 

Inside, the lettuce, broccoli and cabbage seeds I planted on Sunday are already sprouting. No sign of the tomatoes or peppers yet but I'm sure they'll be along soon. Peppers take a long time anyway. I'm itching to get started planting the garden. If it doesn't rain tomorrow as predicted, perhaps we'll be able to get a few things out. Larry plowed a new patch that is really huge--I had asked him to *slightly* enlarge one garden, but he decided to plow the old garden and another larger space. Lord knows what we'll plant there, but maybe we'll grow potatoes again, and put some tomatoes in that new ground--they love new ground.

We're not entirely out of the winter woods yet, of course. There's still the possibility of a snowstorm or a big drop in temperatures for an extended period. But this little spell of nice weather is certainly a welcome and needed break as we try to clear up winter's detritus. Things look taggy and cluttery wth twigs everywhere from the ice storm, leaves, bones the dogs have dragged in, tools Larry has scattered about, etc. Now it's cleanup time.

It's also firepit time. We've had the firepit lit the past two evenings. What a simple pleasure to sit by the fire with the dogs and the cat, and watch the sun set pinkly into the west. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I enjoyed today's you reported on your life for today. It sounds interesting, and much as I might be doing, or have done. Enjoy and stay safe!

    1. Thank you, Barbara. Our life is simple these days--well, never was really exciting, but with the pandemic it is even less so. But it's satisfying in a deep down way. I expect you feel the same. Here's hoping your garden thrives this year.


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