
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Garden Time

50 this morning, a beautiful day.

I couldn't wait to get outside. We had 10 bags of mulch in the van, and a bunch of plants from a friend to get in the ground.

I believe it is time to end my Covid Journal, as now that we are vaccinated and more and more people are the same, the world seems to be tentatively getting back to a semblance of what once was. So, exactly one year later, I can say goodbye--I think--to my Covid blog title.

Yesterday was a fun day. A friend invited me down to get some lenton roses from her garden, and I was so excited because I've wanted some of these early blooming flowers for years. Lynne used to have a landscaping business, so I knew her gardens would be interesting. I wasn't wrong.

We spent a pleasant hour or so walking and talking about her gardens, and just getting to know each other better. We'd only met once or twice in person, but have been Facebook friends for several years. I tried to absorb all I could as she discussed her plants, why one here and another there, but I really wish I'd taken notes. And my camera. I was so fascinated just listening that I didn't even thing to take photos.

But no matter. We had a great time, and our husbands, both Vietnam vets, had plenty to talk about too. It was our first real visit with friends since the shutdown, and it felt good.

So today I had to get those plants in the ground. I came home with the lenten roses, a couple of hydrangeas, and some monk's hood. I had to prepare some new planting area for them--I know I don't do that right. There were weedy vines in the area where I planted so I scraped them off the top of the dirt, dug it up and planted. I bet anything those vines will be right back. Surely there is a way to rid an area of pest plants? But whatever, my plants are in the ground and mulched, and they look so pretty. 

I was happy to be able to water them with the new hose bib Larry put in a few weeks ago too. Last year I had nowhere close to get water to my flower gardens, and it made for a lot more work.

My bulbs are coming up and blooming now, such a pleasure to see. I am finding new ones everywhere, in places I am sure I never planted them. Help from birds, or squirrels, maybe? Like these miniature daffodils.

I know I planted these crocus though.

But this lone daffodil? I don't plant just one bulb when I plant.

The forsythia is just about ready to burst into flower.

Another patch I know I did not plant, up by the cellarhouse. I do have this variety but didn't put them up there.

We ended this busy day at the firepit, a perfect end to a perfect Spring day. Now I am smoky as well as grubby, so it's off to the shower with me.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. So glad to hear you now have Lenten Roses. I never did back when I had a yard of my am happy to share the blossoms of friends. You also captured a man on a tractor mower in your shot...I assume your husband! Isn't it great to get together with friends again?

  2. That's great that you got vaccinated. Now you can see people and watch your garden grow. :) We still are waiting for our jabs, there has been a delay in the delivering system. So the EU is all waiting, eventually we'll get there. Have a great day!


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