
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Out Like A Lion

49 and wet,wet, wet after a night of rain. Cold, cloudy and drizzly all day.

And so ends March, and she's going out in a huff, all right. Temperatures will drop tonight, and tomorrow night will be in the low 20's. There goes the cherry, pear, and peach blossoms. And a lot of other things just now poking their heads above ground. What had been a glorious spring is going to be ruined tomorrow.

Ah me. Fickle, fickle March. I had high hopes for a perfect Spring, but really, when does that ever happen? Especially here in the upper Ohio Valley, where we are often in the path of whatever blows down from Ontario and the Great Lakes. There is even a chance for snow in the morning. Yuck.

Normally I'd be working to protect everything, and picking bouquets for the house, but I'll be away for a few days so there's no use to try at this point.

Onward and upward. This too shall pass, and then we begin again, right? Stay warm, friends.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. You are right . . . what will be, will be. Enjoy your trip and family!

  2. Out like a rather warm, cuddly little lamb here; 70 F yesterday!


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