
Thursday, April 22, 2021

An Odd, Cold Day

29 this morning. Flurries and cold all day, high of about 48.

We have had snow the past two days. Yesterday there was about half an inch on the ground by mid-morning, which soon melted when the rain started. Then it as rain-sleet-snow-sun and repeat for most of the day.

Today it was just flurries but it is still quite cold. It's very discouraging as all the fruit trees are in bloom and tender perennials are just coming up. We were out with water hoses this morning, washing the frost off as many plants as we could before the sun came up. Getting the frost off and warming plants and blooms slightly with the water helps to prevent at least some frost damage. Luckily, cloud cover arrived just in time so the frost melted away gradually. But tonight it is to be below freezing again, and we will be out with the hoses again before sunrise, trying to save what fruit we can. 

Larry covered much of what we have out in the garden yesterday evening, and left the covers on today, but my poor flowers and the fruit trees are going to have a hard time of it. We brought many plants inside, an abrupt change that also is not good. But we have to do what we can, don't we, during this redbud winter?

I finally finished up my income tax filing yesterday, something I could accomplish while stuck inside. This year we have an extra month to file, so that allowed me to procrastinate longer than usual. I actually had them complete except for one or two things, so I don't know why I put off finishing them. Because I could, perhaps?

Today has been an odd day as we are both tired from the disruption of the morning, and can't really do the things we wanted to do outside because it's just too cold. So I've worked on eBay and put finishing touches on a couple pieces of furniture for our booths. And now I must get to work on organizing this year's tax things--something I've also been putting off. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Suerte con los impuestos y cuĂ­date del frio. Te mando un beso
    Enamorada de las letras

  2. It stinks that the weather is not cooperating. Hopefully you can save the flowers. Strange weather indeed.

  3. I'm reading this almost a month after you posted but I agree, crazy, odd weather! I lost 13 tomato plants, pepper plants, and some others all because I was too hasty in planting my garden. Oh well, today it is sunny and warm and I still haven't replanted!


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