
Saturday, October 9, 2021

Fall Flowers

64 and light showers, overcast.

I planted a row of flower seeds in the garden, a last minute idea to use some empty space. I put in quite a mixture of zinnias,  marigolds,  cosmos, and others. Only one marigolds plant came up, but the zinnias and cosmos have outdone themselves, especially later in the season. And now that it's Fall, they are really beautiful. 

Other flowers seem to enjoy this Autumn weather too. Here's some still in bloom.

I can never remember the name of this one. I call it Stevia but thats the sweetener made from the seeds of one variety. I will plant more of these next year. They seem to like adverse conditions, perfect for my difficult location.

Mums planted last year over-wintered. I pinched them back in June and was rewarded with nice mounded plants.

The vegetable garden flowers.

The tall leaves are my leeks. I leave them in as long as possible. They didn't get as big as I like but I'm satisfied with them.

I have never grown such lovely, variegated cosmos before. I think these were Burped seeds but can't recall for sure.

And the zinnias! I have random luck with them but my oh my, this was a good year.

More of last year's mums, and some drift roses planted last year.

The red climbing rose, but for 2.00 on clearance a couple years ago, has bloomed so prettily almost all summer. 

Fall flowers seem extra special, like a gift from nature. Just when most plants are winding down or dying off and the bloom season seems over, there are these that bloom brighter than ever. Or maybe it just seems like it because we appreciate them more? I suppose that's true of many things--when we are close to losing them, they seem even more dear.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Beautiful flowers...and I'm glad you went around taking photos of them to share here!

  2. The flowers are very pretty, awesome colours!


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