
Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Busy Days

28 this morning, with a heavy killing frost. Clear skies.

Granddaughter Hannah and her guy stirring. Her baby is due in 3 weeks.

Below, the crew. Or most of them, as daughter-in-law and one granddaughter were inside, washing jars.

great-grandson Ryland had a great time. I'm sure he slept well that night.

The apple butter got made, much food was cooked and eaten, there was a great deal of talking, laughing, and busyness. Oldest son and his wife had to drive to Columbus that evening to pick up their son from his flight; Sunday morning was a wonderful breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and of course apple butter. Then I had to leave to work at the antique mall while Larry finished putting away the tables and other things used in making the apple butter. Daughter-in-law and granddaughter left for home while their guys went to get everything set up for deer hunting, since season opened Monday.

Yesterday the guys, Larry included, all went hunting. Two deer were harvested, one for us. I worked on my booths at the mall again since I hadn't been there last week. Today, I officiate my first wedding, for a good friend and his wife-to-be. Then it's grocery shopping for me, more hunting for Larry.

Tomorrow will be getting ready for Thanksgiving. Thursday will be cooking and enjoying family, and Friday I hope I can finish up with my booth--so much stuff needs to get in there for the holiday shopping season.

It's a busy, busy time of year.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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