
Tuesday, November 2, 2021

First Frost?

47 this morning, and didn't warm up much. Rain in the early hours, gradually clearing up. Expected to be in the 20's-30's tonight.

This may be the end of the run for the flowers, I'm afraid. It looks like a very cold night tonight and even colder tomorrow night. I know it's time, but in the last few years we've avoided a killing frost until much later in November. 

At least the vegetable gardens are pretty much done, thanks to the deer that managed to get in and eat everything except the turnips and kale that Larry covered with chicken wire, and the beets and onions in the walled garden. Oh, and the dill that only recently came up from seed. Still, I know Larry is glad to see the end of the gardens. He said he can use a rest. I don't blame him. He did move a young peach tree today that was growing inside the new chicken yard; I was worried the chickens would dig around its roots and kill it.

I brought in the many aloe plants--I have no clue why I have so many--a begonia, and the Christmas cactus. It's getting ready to bloom and I'm pretty sure the abrupt climate change to indoors will make the blossoms drop. Ah well. 

I did a quick walk-around in the gardens, getting photos of some of the last blooms.

The miniature roses are making quite a show. I hope these new plants make it through the winter.

Geraniums seem to love cool fall weather. I usually try to being some inside but they never survive, so this year I just left them alone.

My fall-blooming iris. I am so in love with it.

The Mandevilla is still doing well. I probably misspelled that, but this has become a favorite too, it blooms so steadily all summer and fall.

And the hydrangea, still looking so pretty.

My single tea rose doesn't bloom much, but it's had several blooms this fall.

Drift roses and chrysanthemums; photo didn't come out very well.

And the zinnias, still going crazy.

I did bring in a couple begonia plants. They manage to survive the winter usually, and are such cheerful little plants.

So I brought in the best of the blooms. They won't last long in the house but will probably fare better than they would outside tonight.

I've spent my day cleaning up in my eBay room, which has been badly neglected for the past few months. No one but me would know I'd made a dent but I can see progress. I've had time to do listings again and it's paying off in sales. I also worked on the bedroom, sorting and cleaning, and got the first coat of paint on a small dresser. Oh, and made a venison stew that is still cooking and smelling very good. 

Larry and I had to pull the dryer out and re-attach the vent line. When he put the dryer in last August, he didn't level it very well so it's been out of balance, which caused the line to come loose. I noticed an awful lot of dust around the top of the dryer, a giveaway to the problem. Hopefully that's fixed now.

So nothing exciting here. We had a very quiet Halloween, and I worked at the antique mall Sunday. Just normal, boring stuff but it certainly keeps us busy. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. In the 20s here last night, and I think I'd better find the down comforter and give it a shake, though it's entirely possible we'll be back into warm weather again before Winter. My zinnias are giving up the ghost and the massive leaves of my squash plants - which grew like mad in early Autumn to make up for the Summer of Endless Deluge - suddenly look like a sadly blighted landscape. This week or next I'll get into the veg garden for a big cleanup effort, but first I need to finish digging and planting a new perennial bed. It's taking ages, but will be such a gladsome sight in Spring, I hope!

  2. The weather here in KY is much the same. Frost last night and cold days, but I like it. I will miss some of my fresh garden items, but am excited to use this time to plan a new one.


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