
Thursday, November 4, 2021

Killing Frost

29 and a hard frost. Clear skies.

It has to come every year, and so it has this year. Frost has ended the growing season, and now we can concentrate elsewhere.

Today, it's back to eBay and paperwork for me, and maybe more paint on the little dresser I started on the other day. My arm is sore from the booster shot but we had no other side effects, which is nice. I feel ready to go out and about with more comfort and safety again. This Saturday is the Fall West Virginia Writers Conference, and I am looking forward to going to that worry-free. It will be held in Huntington, WV, a city on the Ohio River that I have not spent a great deal of time in. Huntington is well known, sadly, for its drug problems, but there is a vibrant arts and writing community there, and it is home to Marshall University, the second largest school in the state. It's unfortunate that more focus isn't put on the good aspects of the city, but that tends to be how news is reported, isn't it. We focus on the bad and the sensational, barely giving a nod to the better, uplifting things in life.

Larry found two large hams in the freezer during the big cleanout, and he is slicing them up this morning. Poor man, I am sure his fingers are freezing, again. We found we had a fair supply of meat, but not as much as we thought we had, actually, so we'll be on the lookout for a butcher hog, and for some deer during the hunting season to restock. I am hoping turkey prices will be low again too so I can stock up on that like I did last year.

We watched a movie called Michael Collins last night, based on the story of the Irish revolutionary who fought against British control of Ireland. I'm of two minds about this man. The movie, of course, made him out to be a hero, and in one way he was, although violence and bloodshed seemed to be his preferred methods--even in the end when he was fighting against his own people who saw a different path to the establishment of the Irish Republic. I need to read more about him to really draw any conclusion about his heroism or his culpability in causing needless harm to his own people. Liam Neeson and Adrian Quinn were excellent in the movie, however; Julia Roberts really didn't seem to fit, at least to me, and her attempts at an Irish accent were less than good.

Back to the salt mines of eBay I go. Enough of this lollygagging, as my Dad would say.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. Your weather is getting cold. Ours is wet and windy, not fun to be in. I never saw the Michael Collins movie or read any books about him. I'll have to see what they have at the library. Good luck dealing on ebay and have a wonderful weekend.


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