
Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Solstice Fire

Tonight we lit a fire in the firepit and sat outside, drinking hot chocolate and watching a glorious sunset. What a way to end the year, with a fiery display both above and below.

This is the night to burn your mistletoe saved from last year's celebrations, so we took ours out to the fire and let it burn. I still have a few leaves in the house, as the old folklore says it provides protection from a great many bad things. I need to get a twig of holly too, also a strong protector, so the old ones said. 

We watched the fire in front of us, and the spectacular show above.

I loved seeing the progression of color intensify until it spread almost horizon to horizon.

Until at last, there was this great show, then all ebbed to gray. 

It was time to come inside, to yet another fireside, where we will spend the rest of this beautiful evening. A perfect way to welcome winter. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I loved seeing your fire lit sky and your fire pit for good burning away of the old things, moving into the new year! May you have all wonderful things come your way!

    1. Thank you, Barbara. Observing small rituals like this add meaning and make us be more mindful, I think. Not to mention, it's just fun to do.

  2. What a beautiful and glorious sunset. It was a grey and misty on the solstice here which was beautiful in its own way.

    I love the sound of your rituals for the solstice it is good to have these in our lives isn't it, they are like a comfort blanket in these unsettling times.

    1. Yes, that's exactly it--rituals and traditions are comforting, especially when life is so uncertain. We try to celebrate what and when we can, and it brings a quiet joy even when it's only the two of us.


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