
Monday, December 27, 2021

This and That

50 this morning, overcast and drizzly. 

I worked yesterday at the antique mall. I always hate to leave home, but then I always have a good time when I get out. It's nice to see people--so often it's just Larry and me knocking around here. Which is nice, of course, but I am sure he enjoys a break from me too. Today he's out and about, picking up some supplies and no doubt getting in some good visits along the way.

It's funny how people's spending habits are. I notice more now that I'm behind the counter. Before Christmas, for example, people used cards most of the time--debit and occasionally credit. But yesterday, every single person paid in cash, except the one lady who paid by personal check, a rare thing these days.
Several carefully counted out exact change; others laid down the big bills. One lady went back to her car to get 1.21 in change to pay for the one item she wanted. Is it because now Christmas is over, people are being more careful? Were the ones with big bills spending gift cash? I will never know because of course I can't ask, but it is interesting to ponder.

I am working on taxes today, trying to finish up getting my receipts and such entered. I can see the light at the end of this hateful tunnel. Numbers are not my friend, and neither is data entry. I think I much prefer to live in the other side of my brain, but this stuff has to get done unless I want to pay an accountant or bookkeeper, and we sure don't make enough to warrant that.

I also have some canning to do, and trying to fit it into this week that has turned out to be a very busy one. Tomorrow I am going to Columbus, Ohio with a friend to source for our booths. Wednesday I have two turkeys to be canned and maybe some pineapple--I picked them up for 1.00 each yesterday so they will be getting ripe sometime soon. I work Thursday and Friday at the mall, so the week is pretty compressed. We shall see what I manage to accomplish. But at least the bulk of this paperwork is off my mind, and that is a huge relief.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Your life is never dull, that's for sure! I've never canned pineapple--never even thought about doing it. Let me know how it turns out.

  2. Canning pineapple sounds good, I love pineapple. Wishing you both a happy and healthy 2022.

  3. There has been talk of getting rid of cash completely here in the UK, for folks that live in the cities which includes our seat of government life is very different and cards are used everywhere. I use cash to pay for lots of things still and would be a little lost if they made that decision. I think it has been thrown out for now but COVID bought it back to everyones minds as no-one wanted you to pay in cash as it meant touching it. I suspect the change will come at some point and we won't notice it then.


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