
Saturday, March 26, 2022

Saving the Daffodils

34 this morning and snowing. Snowed off and on all day, but most melted immediately. Still very cold, never got over 40 today. Tonight is supposed to be in the 20's, and tomorrow will be even colder than today.

Every few years we get this: a late March cold snap that freezes the daffodil stems, and drops the poor flowers to the ground. Other blooms will freeze tonight, too--the pear tree's early blossoms, probably the lilac's buds, although we have it covered with two blankets. We covered the new strawberry plants with a blanket, and the new cabbages with cut-off plastic water jugs. That's all we can protect, and all we can do is hope all will be well.

But the poor daffodils. They are probably my favorite flower, and I just hate it when this happens. So this evening, after our trip to Fairmont to pick up auction buys, I went out and cut a mass of them and filled vases with their yellow beauty. They won't last long in the house, but at least I'll have a couple days of enjoyment from them before they fade.

I thought you might like a look at some of the vases I used. The yellow one I have never identified as to the maker, but I do love it. The blue one beside it is astonishingly over 100 years old. I did know the maker, but can't recall right off.

The case on the left that looks black is actually dark red, and probably an Anchor Hocking piece from the 60's or so. The clear one is another oldtimer, at least 100 years old.

Three more Early American pattern glass vases, 2 clear and one green with gold trim, all in the century club. the taller green crackle glass is not a great piece, just pretty. I have no idea who made it.

One of my newest-to-me vases, a marigild carnival stretch vase. I seem to have started a collection of these tall, slim vases. Funny how collections sneak up on you. The other was in the last photo, one of the EAPG vases.

A better look at the yellow vase. This one is cased, meaning the colored glass is over a milk glass interior, and it has clear amber handles. Just so pretty.

More tomorrow--I have a lot of catching up to do, as this past week has been a real whirlwind.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Simply beautiful. I love the yellow vase best!

  2. The daffodils look pretty in all your vases. Enjoy their beauty.


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