
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Where Have All the Crackers Gone? And Booth Update

30 this morning with heavy frost. 

Such an odd thing to disappear--but have you noticed in your stores that the cracker shelves are almost empty? And that there are no saltine crackers to be had anywhere?

This isn't exactly recent, like within the last month. It's been like this since just before Christmas, and getting worse all the time as more and more kinds of crackers are no longer available. It's not like we eat tons of crackers, but I do like having some around. 

Yes, I know I can make my own, that's not the question. The question is, where have all the crackers gone? Did they all come from China? Are they sitting in cargo containers in Los Angeles? Did all the cracker makers run out of flour? 

I guess it's not a question to attract the attention of the news media, although surely reporters eat crackers too and must have noticed the shortage. But with all the more pressing, worrying news, this one little thing just doesn't make the evening news cut. 

Gas is really going up quickly, and we will be curtailing any driving plans until things settle down, I guess. We'd planned a road trip south, but that's not going to happen, sadly. We will also have to do even better about consolidating trips out, and do as many things as possible each time we leave. For people like us on limited budgets, such increases are a big impact.

I expect our booth sales will also be impacted as others make the same decision to cut back on travel too. So our income will be taking a double whammy, and I may have to work harder at online sales to make up the difference.

Ukraine is on all our minds, isn't it. Those poor people, their stories are heartbreaking. A higher price is gas is a small worry in comparison. 

In other, happier news, one of our granddaughters is in for a visit and we're having a wonderful time with her. She leaves tomorrow and we will be sorry to see her go. We have been busy helping her plan the cabin she will be building, so it's all been a good visit. 

We had an intense weekend last weekend. Friday we loaded this flatwall cabinet to take to our Ravenswood booth, and made a few other changes there too.

Then Friday evening we drove to Marietta to pick up online auction buys, one of which was a really heavy stereo. Thank goodness there was another man there to help, or I don't think we could have loaded it. I got it for 2.50, a pig in a poke, because we didn't know if it even worked. Then getting it unloaded here at home--don't ask. It was a long, hard process--but it works. So now, we have to do the reverse at some time, getting it back out of here and into a booth. We got everything else unloaded too, because Saturday we had yet another auction pickup in Athens, Ohio. The heaviest thing in this load was a desk, so not too bad. Then came the work of getting it all stored away. By Saturday night we both felt pretty battered, but accomplished too.

So life has been pretty full, which is why I haven't written anything in days. We're expecting some snow this weekend, and we have no big projects or plans, so here's to some downtime, and maybe, if I can find the starter pots, to getting some seeds going. We shall see.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I remember my grandmother's heavy stereo from the 50s. I liked the way it looked and it had a radio in it. I looked upsaltine cracker shortages and it said there were issues because of labor shortages and supply-chain issues, from food manufacturers to grocery stores. There simply aren't enough people to make the goods, move the goods and sell the goods. We are going to experience some food shortages due to the war. Gas is already up to €2.05 a liter and climbing. Hope you have a nice weekend, don't work too hard.

  2. It's funny what we can't find in the stores. I haven't had too much trouble finding what we eat though because we eat almost no carbs...pasta is hard to find here but we don't eat it.

  3. Goodness, you've definitely been busy! Take care with the next snow...which may even hit into Mississippi!

  4. There's been a workers' strike at Nabisco, I believe. Petrol prices going crazy here too, but a small price to pay if it helps to stop that madman Putin.

  5. It is a worry isn't it all that is going on in the world and the effect it is having on us all. Just when it seemed that things were starting to feel settled after COVID. I hope the crackers are back on the shelves soon.


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