
Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Family Reunion

52, overcast but some sun later. Humid.

One reason we worked so hard on yard and gardens last week was because we would be away for 3 days at my family reunion. Isn't it funny how hard we will work to get ready to be away? I wanted to leave the house clean and tidy, the porch clean and pretty, the lawns mowed and the gardens in as good as shape as possible, so that when we came home we wouldn't be behind on any of it. Of course, when we got home, the grass needed to be mowed again, the weeds had thrived, and Larry immediately tracked up the porch with muddy boots. Ah me. Still, it was much better than it might have been if we hadn't done all that work, right?

I came home with more plants too, so in addition to pulling more weeds I have plants to put in. We found the most marvelous greenhouse in Elkins, WV, called Mary's Greenhouse, and I was in heaven walking around there. There was one whole greenhouse just for herbs! I found the parsley and rosemary I've been looking for, that beautiful new peony and lots more besides. About 200 dollars worth, actually. Cringe. I've spent a lot on plants this year, but it has dawned on me that I only have a few more years, probably, when I will be able to do this work, and I have always put off buying plants I want because of the cost. Now I am determined to have the gardens I have dreamed of, if only for a few years. I don't get manicures and pedicures, I don't drink a lot or do drugs, I don't gamble or get my hair done, I don't buy many clothes and most are used anyway, I don't go out much or go to concerts--so this is my vice, and so be it.

But wait, I intended to write about the reunion! It. Was. Wonderful. There were not as many people as there have been in the past, due to many reasons. Some had graduations to attend, some had the state track meet in which their kids were competing. One had a broken hand, and one sister and her husband came down with Covid just days before the reunion. But we were so glad to see those who could make it. Several of my nieces and nephews came with some of their children. Cousins from Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina came, as did my dear Aunt Georgette, who will celebrate her 88th birthday this year. I was thrilled that two sons, three daughters-in-law, one sort-of son-in-law, and 2 granddaughters were able to join us this year--it made the weekend extra special for me that they made the effort to be there. Perhaps next year there will be more people, now that life is somewhat normal and they all know the reunion is on once again.

Sisters Mary, Judy and me.

Even though the kids are older, the creek still draws them like a magnet.

Catie gets her hair braided by her granny Judy.

Cousin Ken discussing his prison ministry with Sandy and Grace.

A great confab going on here!

Granddaughter Haley with my nephew David. 

In our cabin:

Look at this fabulous light fixture!

On the porch of our cabin.

Only 2 of my 12 siblings came, which was kind of disappointing, but we seem to have dwindled down to a core group of 4 sisters who are committed to the reunion, with the others occasionally attending. I felt so bad for my sister who had Covid as I know she really looked forward to the weekend, but I did call her from the park and we had a nice long chat.

The nicest thing about the weekend was the connections being made and re-established. Several plans were made to get together by different ones, which made me happy because as scattered as we are, maintaining contact is not so easy. But with social media we've been able to stay in touch, thank goodness, and now there will be more visiting in the future.

There were two things that were quite different from past reunions: no little children, and lots of dogs. At our first reunions, there were so many children, and several pregnant mamas, but after 15 years of these gatherings, the littles have grown up, some are married, and pets have become a big part of people's lives, perhaps because of Covid? 

We are all looking forward to being together again next year at Lost River State Park. It was something we all needed, I think, and we came away feeling well loved and peaceful. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. It was a wonderful reunion. Like you, I was sad that no more of our siblings attended, but we had a great time renewing our ties with other members of the family. Looking forward to next year!

  2. How wonderful! It sounds like you have a really big family which makes it hard to get everyone together in one place, I would imagine. I loved big family gatherings when I was a child but they were not as big as it sounds like yours was!


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