
Monday, June 6, 2022

In the Gardens

58 this morning, beautiful weather for the past week. A little on the warm side, buut at least not in the 90's like last week.

Where have I been? In the gardens, of course, and working on furniture. But mostly in the gardens. Here's a look at what's going on out there.

The roses have just about finished, sadly, but this climber is still lovely, and will come back and bloom again.

The big garden is now all planted: about 170 tomato plants, corn, beans, butternut squash, limas, potatoes and corn are in here. Still waiting for the butternut to come up, and we had to replant some of the corn and beans because the seeds washed out in some heavy rains we had a couple weeks ago.

All pink and white here right now--wild yarrow and pink poppies, along with lamb's ears and I forget the name of the plants in the crock. The crock is badly cracked, but makes a good planter.

Some different kinds of petunias this year--black and some interesting striped ones.
More of the pink and white garden. I guess I should have organized these photos better.

Celery, all wrapped up for blanching. This isn't the first time I have planted celery, but the first I've tried blanching it. Without blanching it has a strong, almost bitter taste. It is supposed to be wrapped like this for 3 weeks before harvest. I used newsprint and twine to wrap them. Larry said it looks like a row of mini Klansmen.

Garden salad: dill, green ice lettuce, daylilies, and dwarf grey snow peas, my favorite variety because they freeze better than the snap peas.

The celery is in front, prior to being wrapped up.

Potatoes in the center, limas in front and peas on the fence in the back. Snow peas are ready for picking, and the shell peas are not far behind.

The bloom on red potatoes is so pretty, a delicate pinkish-purple color

Closer look at the black petunia.

Another reason I like the dwarf grey sugar peas is the pretty, pretty, purple and pink flower.

The smaller garden is all mulched except for this area that needs hay. We'll do that tomorrow, have to pick some up today. I prefer straw, but there is none available right  now. This garden has a bit of everything: melons, cucumbers, squash, celery, cabbage, lettuce, flowers, radishes, beets, kale, dill, basil, some tomatoes, carrots...can't remember what else. Still waiting for some seeds to germinate. We need rain.

That's a quick look, anyway. I think I have enjoyed gardening more this year than I have any other year, honestly.  Now, to keep everything alive and growing.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Great looking garden, and I really like the black petunias. Interesting info about celery!

  2. Your garden is amazing, wow 170 tomato plants that would take up my entire garden! I have a small plot so only room for a handful here. Fingers crossed you can keep everything alive.

  3. Oh there is nothing more beautiful than a garden and yours is exceptionally lovely!


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