
Friday, July 8, 2022


70 this morning, still muggy. More rain today, but not heavy. And more predicted for tomorrow.

We're growing webs between our toes, I swear. So much rain, but I don't want to complain or it will turn off dry for the rest of the month.

On the road today, booth restocking and a trip to Lowe's to pick up our long-delayed bathroom vanity. They sold us one of the two floor display models of the one we wanted, and gave us a small refund to boot. So now comes the work of installing it.

We made our first-ever visit to Aldi's, and it won't be our last. We saved at least 30.00 over what we would have paid for the things we bought, about a third less. I was very pleased, because we are searching for ways to save, and this will help. It's about 45 minutes away, so we will plan to go there when we have to go to other places in that area. We saved another 25.00 by not stopping to eat, even though it was 6pm and I hadn't eaten since breakfast. I have plenty of "reserve tanks" so was in no danger of starving, that's for sure. And here at home that lovely quiche I made yesterday was waiting for us, so that and some watermelon made a great supper.

Now I am ready to relax. We have to be out yet again tomorrow, to pick up hay from my son's place to use for mulch, buy green bean seeds, go to look at a table a lady called me about, things like that. So this evening, it's feet up. I hope yours are too.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Isn't Aldy's a great place to shop! Ours is also a long way away, so I usually go there as part of an errands trip, or trip to doc appointments. The savings pays the extra gas. We have another grocery nearer which often has seconds/expired canned goods...but with checking expiration dates, I'm also happy with their prices. Good for you to skip dinner out...I need to definitely talk to my inner accountant before I do so as much as I have been...though usually lunch prices are a bit more reasonable.

  2. We shop at Aldi all the time. It does save lots of money and it is convenient for us. It's about a 15 minute bus drive from our place. Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. We could do with some of that rain, Sue, and we've got temperatures in the 90s forecast for next week - humid too. Aldi are popular here - and cheap - not very convenient for me unfortunately, though my home delivery service offers a lot of items "price-matched" to Aldi. Take care and be well.

  4. There is an Aldi's in Harrisonburg, but I've never shopped there. I think I might give it a try. We do a lot of shopping at SharpShoppers and save some money there, but it's hard to find the same items when we go back. And, yes, Harrisonburg shopping is 40+ miles away, so it's a day trip as we jam all our shopping into that day. Exhausting! We've had some rain--not as much as you, but definitely needed and appreciated. Today is cool and somewhat cloudy. I should be out in the gardens, but....tomorrow is looking more likely!


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