
Monday, July 11, 2022

In the Gardens, Again

66 this morning, clear and less humidity. 

We were in the gardens again last evening and this morning, and boy what a difference our time has made. It seems like every year about this time the green tries to take over the world! Weeds, especially my arch enemy gill over the ground,  creep in when we're not looking, or we see them and think, oh, they're so little, I'll get them later. Then it rains and wham! Everything gets huge.  But then, so do the veggies.

But we are winning the battle against the weeds. I saw that the peppers look very sad; apparently we planted them in a very wet place and peppers dislike being wet. I pulled back the mulch which will help the soil dry up,  and ordered blood and bone meal to sidedress them with so hopefully they'll pull out of it.

The celery is sprouting again! 8 of our 12 are sending up new growth after being cut back to a stump. We left the bases in the ground, thinking they might do this. 

We picked more squash. A lot more squash. So this afternoon I am making squash casseroles for the freezer. They're time-consuming to make but each recipe makes a large pan. 

The cabbage is ready to harvest, or most of it is.

 And alas! I don't have enough pickling salt to make kraft. I ordered some online and it should be here by the end of the week so I am hoping the cabbages hold til then. If we go into town sometime this week we can try to find some but right now we have no plans to go out, unless Larry gets called up for jury duty. We should know this evening about that.

I pulled the rest of the radishes. They are a nice size, and the beets look great too. Carrots came up very poorly but the few we have look good. We still have lettuce that surprisingly is still good despite the recent hot weather; perhaps all the rain helped? It often gets bitter in July.

The strawberries in the washtubs in the garden are doing very well. Some are everbearers so we get handfuls of ripe ones off and on. And FINALLY we got some cucumbers! So happy to see them starting to bear. The pumpkins are beginning to vine, and Larry has a few small melons on his plants so he's a happy man.

What else? Let's see, Larry pulled the onions and planted two long rows of green beans. His tomato plants are thriving, some are over 5 feet tall and loaded with green tomatoes.

 The corn is good too, even after some blew over and had to be put back upright. My little leeks are so tiny that I think Larry accidentally pulled some, again. Ah well. I can't complain since he was hand weeding. We did a lot of that this morning!

We will be back out there tomorrow morning although my old knee is not a bit happy about it. I want to plant more lima beans, and maybe sunflowers too if I can find a spot.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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