
Monday, July 18, 2022

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

70 this morning and pouring rain. The rain finally ended about noon.

The world outside our doors is some kind of soggy. So much rain, beginning yesterday evening and continuing all morning. I am sure some places are seeing flooding. I worry that all this dampness will bring the blight with it to the gardens, but as my mother would say no sense borrowing trouble. We shall see soon enough.

It's been one of those days where we seem to be spinning our wheels, not really able to get ahead on anything. For example, Larry tried to fix the small leak in the new bathroom sink--three times he tried, and I think the last time was the charm. It took quite a while, and he kept stopping work on the Hoosier cabinet he's repairing to work on the sink. I am sure he was pretty frustrated. I just tried to stay out of the way. And quiet!

I planned on some garden work in the morning, but the rain put the squelch on that idea. So I ended up listing things on eBay for the first time in over a month. There really hasn't been time for it. I actually wanted to paint furniture but have no get-up-and-go in me today. So I made banana bread, which needed to be done or the bananas would be too far gone, cut up a cantaloupe, cleaned up the know, procrastinating. Maybe I will paint later on, or maybe I will just allow myself a little downtime.

One of the things I have been researching, trying to decide if I want to keep it or re-sell it, is this odd vase. It says it's by Blenko on the label, but looks nothing like any Blenko I have ever seen. I've put it on a Facebook Blenko group, hoping someone can shed some light on it.

I finally decided to list this piece, which I really like but don't need. Apparently it's by Austin Studios in the UK. The company is no longer in production. I have not been able to determine if this is bronze, a material the company worked with a lot, or if it is some other material. I've tried all the tricks I know to try to discover what it is. A Facebook discussion with my friends did identify her as "The Breeze". 

So now I am procrastinating again, sitting here writing this post. Time to get back in the kitchen and get the banana bread out of the oven. Stay well, friends.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. How creative to make banana bread (no matter the impetus) and just sit at that computer and do what needs to be done there (like blogging)! The rain changed your plans, so you have the morning open. Our rain was last evening, after I was tucked into the apartment for the night. Some friends went to a big celebration of our library's 100th birthday, so I hope they stayed dry.

    1. You are right, Barbara. I sometimes forget that computer work is as important as the other things I do.

  2. I'm jealous of your rain- we were predicted to get quite a bit of rainfall yesterday here in central PA but barely received enough to water the garden. Banana bread sounds delicious!

    1. We have had more than our share of rain this summer, and I am grateful. We have hardly had to water the gardens at all, a nice change.


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