
Friday, July 15, 2022

Yowch, Kraut, and Comments

70 this morning, pleasant and partly cloudy. No ran forecast til the weekend, so we are watering some areas of the gardens.

So remember I said something a while back about a friend being shocked at her monthly power bill? We got ours this past week, and yes indeed, it was a shock, about a third higher than usual for June. We had to run the AC more than we normally do in June, which accounts for some of the increase, but the rest is just a rise in the price. So now we are being much more careful with using the air conditioners, and watching other electricity use as well. It's sad to have to do so in this hot month, but fortunately the temperatures have been moderate, so we turn on the AC for a few hours in the evening, then turn them off. Let's hope it helps the bill.

Yesterday was sauerkraut day. We harvested all the cabbages that were ready, about a dozen or so, and got busy. I "butchered" the cabbages and cut them into pieces that would fit in the food processor and Larry manned the machine. So much easier than the old days when we used a manual kraut cutter, or mandolin as I hear them called. We ended up with 12 quarts of kraut, and then I also put 12 bags in the freezer. That will be plenty for the year. These were early flathead Dutch cabbages, and three were Ruby. We still have some Stonehead cabbages in the garden, not quite ready, and those will be for eating fresh. They hold very well in the garden without splitting, a nice trait.

I have been busy in the gardens every morning and most evenings, beating back the wilderness, i.e. weeding and pruning. I also did some replanting here and there in the flowerbeds. The place is looking as good as it's ever looked, and is a real pleasure to my eyes when I rest on the porch. I harvested more basil too, which is hanging to dry, making the kitchen smell wonderful.

Today was booth day. We took the long dresser I've been working on for several weeks, along with a few other items, to our Ravenswood location, then took a few things to our new booth in Ripley. It was a nice break, although it was work too. 

About comments: I have been publishing every one of your comments, but for some reason they don't seem to be showing on my blog so I can respond to you. I appreciate ALL your comments, even when I don't reply, but tonight I was all set to write replies, and they are just not there. My management page shows them as approved, and published, so why I can't seem them on the blog I have no idea. I am so sorry, and will try to figure this out. Maybe just a Blogger bug?

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I love seeing your booth shots...much easier than walking around in a big store full of items I surely don't need!

  2. I had to show Spencer the pix of Larry processing the kraut. Brings back childhood memories for him as his Mom made kraut every year in a big crock.

  3. Hi Phyllis! I would probably still be at it without Larry's help--it's quite a job but worth the effort in the end. I am glad Spencer has those good memories.

  4. I made freezer slaw with cabbages Josh gave me last year. It turned out really tasty. And it was easy to make, which was another plus and it keeps well.


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