
Saturday, August 6, 2022

Garden Walk

70 this morning and cloudy. A few light showers overnight and earlier this morning.

I finally got my blood meal, bone meal and wood ash mixture scattered on the gardens, something I have been trying to get to for a month. While out there I pulled some weeds and will have to do more every day to try to catch up from being away from them the past two weeks. Ah me, how fast the weeds can grow! 

Still, tbe flower beds are holding on, although looking a little heat-worn and bedraggled. I was happy to see that the new perennials I put out are surviving and some are actually thriving. The deer of course have eaten my old hostas to the ground, and I will not plant any more of them, much as I like them. But the deer seem not to bother coreopsis, Victoria Salvia, Astilbe, lavender, wormwood and a few others, which is good to know. I may be planting more of those and giving up on some of the other flowers I like that seem to be deer magnets.

I seriously need to do some stringtrimming, another task that fell to the wayside while I was sick. Thankfully the grass growth has slowed considerably so it's not too bad but looking a little ragged. Maybe tomorrow morning. We shall see.

I snapped a few flower photos yesterday while having a look around at what needs to be done.

These hibiscus are so beautiful.  And the flowers are huge. Next year I will move this one and plant a pink and a red one as this is another plant deer don't seem to bother.
I do like to have pots of begonias around. So easy to care for, and sometimes I can get them to winter over in the house.

You can see how big that hibiscus is, and it's only 3 years old.

Surprise lilies are popping up everywhere. 

The coneflowers are looking a little bedraggled and in sore need of deadheading. Deer often eat these right down to the ground.

I have never grown pots of ivy before but will definitely do it again. Just so sweet. And so easy care.

One of the few lilies to not be eaten by the deer.

More surprise lilies, nestled up with a big pot of coleus, which the deer also have not bothered.

Time to get back in the kitchen. Green tomato mincemeat today!
Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. yes, very difficult to control weed for me....
    your garden look so beautiful .... thank you for sharing photos


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