
Saturday, August 20, 2022

House Rules

61 this morning, heavy dew, clear,

A radio show today discussed the topic "House Rules". I thought, well, I don't have any rules, do people really have rules about their homes? And then I thought again. Because yes, actually, I guess I do. Here are a few:

No smoking in the house. That one's a no-brainer, but you'd be surprised how many smokers just light up out of habit--and are quick to apologize and put out their cigarette when I ask. I have been fortunate to never have that habit, but I know how hard it is to break because my husband quit some 30 years ago, and it was no easy thing. But I have a high seneitivity to smoke, and even outside it can be an issue for me. I try to be tolerant outside, and just move away. But the house is a definite No Zone.

No pets in the house. This has almost entirely to do, again, with my sensitive allergies--and the fact that in the country pets can bring in an amazing amount of dirt. I break this rule regularly, though; a bad thunderstorm brings our 3 inside, and of course in winter when it get too cold for them outdoors, they often come in for a while, even though they have a heated space they can go to. But they like being in with us in the evenings, and we enjoy it too. And in winter, I have more time to clean after them.

No pets on the furniture or in the beds--another rule that occasionally gets broken when visitors are here because my Daisy adores the grandchildren and wants on the couch with them. Which is why we have one of those dog covers on the couch.

Weedeating and stringtrimming clothes get taken off outside. Same for shoes worn for that purpose, and any gardening shoes. Fortunately we are isolated enough to do this without fear of shocking some unsuspecting visitor! I'm not a stickler about shoes in the house; in fact, I encourage company to keep their footwear on because Larry seems to just shed hardware sometimes, and there can be nails or screws or whatever on the floor. I try to keep up with him, but it's a full time job. 

Oh, no political arguments with or among visitors. We have a huge range of political alliances in our family, and no one is going to change anyone's mind by arguing; it just makes everyone tense and unhappy. Racial comments and the F word are also verboten. 

No phones at the table. And honestly, I'd prefer no phone-looking while conversations are going on either. It just seems rude to me. 

Always hug me goodbye and tell me you love me. Now that Covid is not as threatening, it's a pure relief to be able to hug my family and friends.

Wow. That was quite a list. I didn't think we had so many, but there it is. my most important rule is that people relax and enjoy being here and each other. This is a perfect place to let the rest of the world disappear, and just enjoy the beauty of nature and the pleasure of good company. 

How about you? Any rules at your house?

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I don't think I've ever thought of setting house rules but I do have no dog on the furniture, but she sneaks up when I'm not around.. I read back on your blog, you are one very busy lady, all that food preserving and cooking, but it all looked amazing.

    1. I didn't think about rules either, Chris, but the radio program made me realize that I do have them, even if unspoken. And my sons and grands all know them, LOL. As for all the preserving and cooking, we live out in the country, about a half hour drive to any store, and our road is pretty bad. So we try not to go out any more than we have to. When I moved here 48 years ago, we often had to walk about a half mile because tbe road was impassable. So I got used to growing and putting up as much of our food as I could, and it has become a lifelong habit--and truly is something I enjoy doing.

    2. I didn't think about rules either, Chris, but the radio program made me realize that I do have them, even if unspoken. And my sons and grands all know them, LOL. As for all the preserving and cooking, we live out in the country, about a half hour drive to any store, and our road is pretty bad. So we try not to go out any more than we have to. When I moved here 48 years ago, we often had to walk about a half mile because tbe road was impassable. So I got used to growing and putting up as much of our food as I could, and it has become a lifelong habit--and truly is something I enjoy doing.

  2. Many places where I've lived I've had a "all shoes off at the door" policy. And my children must have thought it was a good idea, because they did that at the cabin last weekend without being asked. I of course kept my shoes on (just for my stability). These are all good rules you have!


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