
Saturday, August 13, 2022

Maters, Maters, Maters

57 this morning, deliciously cool and much less humid. A beautiful day, clouds moving in this evening.

I can't tell you how nice it is to be cool and dry again! The air today was crystal clear, just perfect.

And then the tomato explosion happened.

A friend of our son D raises tomatoes in greenhouses and sells them at the farmers market in Charleston.  When the tomatoes begin to dwindle he is done for the year, and usually let's our son know that we are welcome to as many as we want. What a blessing, especially this year since between deer, too much rain and humidity, and blight, our poor plants have pretty much given up.

So Larry and our son went picking this morning. 4 bushels, I said, is what I wanted. So wouldn't you know they came home with 8 bushels and then some! Which is wonderful except I don't think we can get them all done before they spoil. I messaged a younger neighbor and she might get some of them tomorrow. 

Today, we made 40 quarts of tomato juice and I hope to do the same tomorrow. After that, we shall see. The corn is also ready to harvest and that must also be done tomorrow, so we will be at it early to late, I think.

Here I was moaning about not having enough it a case of being careful what you wish for? I am not complaining, though. It's just one more blessing of living in the country, where abundance is often freely shared. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. What a blessing . . . And a lot of work!!

  2. A bushel full of ripe tomatoes is a lovely picture to me. You must have a food mill to make all that tomato sauce? -Jenn

  3. Would you share your recipe/process for making tomato juice? I don't need a lot of pictures....I know that really adds to the work of writing a post. My mom made THE best homemade tomato juice.


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