
Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Summer's End

64 this morning, with the promise of a nice but warm day ahead.

So summer is going out as she came in, hot and sunny. Altogether it was not as hot as I remember other years being, and for that I am grateful. More humid, yes, and so wet! Now we are in the midst of an extended dry spell. I have been watering the potted plants, and today we broke out the sprinkler for tbe first time in months. But my poor flowerbeds were so dry, I was going to lose some of my new plants if they didn't get water soon.

This is the time when we gather up the bits and pieces left in the gardens, and it seems like there is always a surprise to be found. Today, it was a sugar baby melon and two nice sweet peppers hiding in the VERY tall zinnias. I have never grown zinnias over 6 feet before. They are just beautiful.  I picked a few, and filled out the vase with some basil. 

I picked a lot of the basil too, and made 5 batches of pesto for the freezer. 

I have never made it before but my granddaughter showed me how. I am learning to like it; at first I found the taste rather odd but I am getting used to it. 

Yesterday I made rabbit stew with a rabbit Larry got last winter, and I put up the huge Chicken of the Woods mushroom a friend gave us. I will post aboutvthat tomorrow.

So lots of cooking the past 2 days, along with some garden work and painting furniture.  I am trying to get some pieces ready because the owner expanded our space at our new location.

Enough for tonight. Time for my feet up in my old recliner and a movie. What will we watch? No idea yet.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Sue, 6 ft tall zinnias! Could you spare a few seeds for my zennia loving LJ? We could trade seeds if you like. I will give you a list of what I have. Our surprise garden produce this year was a cantaloupe Vine came up in the tomatoes we have had two good melons off of it and hope for a few more.

    1. I certainly will, Nance. I do love those surprise volunteers!

  2. Your garden is always so abundant, I love hearing about what you have been making with things you have grown. I hope you enjoy the pesto, I make it when I have plenty of basil which is not that often, it usual ends up in other dishes.

    1. We are very fortunate with our gardens, although of course there are disappointments every year. But these are balanced by the things that do very well, thankfully.


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