
Thursday, October 13, 2022

New Words

50 this morning, showers and occasional heavy rain. Leaves are falling rapidly. In the woods a gunshot revealed that someone who didn't mind the rain was out squirrel-hunting.

We are snug inside today. Even though the rain ended before noon, it is still breezy and a little chilly. So Larry is working on furniture projects while I listed on eBay, made beef stew, prepared squash and onions for the freezer so I can make squash casserole this winter, and finished up a little stool for the booths. Next is painting this cabinet.

In the past few days I have managed to catch up on blog-reading at last. And found some words in them that I had never heard before.

First, on Sustainable Mum's blog, she mentioned that the air felt "baltic" when the sun went behind a cloud. That stopped me a moment as I considered what that must say about Baltic weather. Having never been there, the context certainly gave me a clear notion of what it must be like.

Two bouquets I picked yesterday are still bright today. 

It is lovely to still have flowers this late in the year. And they are a soothing counterpoint to the House committee hearing on the radio at the moment. What a sad day January 6th was for America. What will come of the hearings? Probably nothing because control of the House will undoubtedly shift after the midterm elections and the other party has already made it clear they intend to ignore the Committee's findings. But at the very least all of this is on record for history.

Then, on her blog It's a Small Town Life, Michelle discussed the word "scatterment". Have any of you ever heard that word before? It was new to me.

Sue talked about her "scrumping bag" on her blog, A Smaller Simpler Life. And about scrumptious, something I certainly do but had never heard it called by that name. I think I will start using it myself!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Here in the U.K. to ‘go scrumping’ means taking fruit from someone’s garden or orchard without permission and refers to children doing this for the fun of doing something naughty rather than acquiring one or 2 apples! I think this more or less died out in the 1960s. Greetings from the East Midlands.

  2. I've heard Baltic before in describing weather but the other words I've never herd before. Your flowers are looking so pretty. Have a nice weekend.


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