
Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Still in Bloom

52 this morning. Overcast, showers overnight. Later in the afternoon, clearing and partly cloudy. The oaks are beginning to lose their leaves. The bird feeder is busy with nuthatches, titmouse, and cardinals. Three deer in the field across from the house this afternoon, two fawns and a doe. The bucks are in rut and hiding out in the woods. Heard an owl very early this morning, barn owl perhaps?

Even though there have been a few patchy frosts, there are still many flowers in bloom in the flowerbeds. I cannot remember when we have had flowers on November 1! Most of these are in planters of one sort or another.

Begonias and vinca by the door.

My tub of lettuce, which provided a nice salad for dinner this evening.

Geraniums on the patio.
Mandevilla, I think? Might have the name wrong, but this is my favorite in these planters. It blooms steadily all summer and is still going strong.

White geranium and a littlebwhite flowering plant whose name I cannot recall.

Lantana seems to be very happy here.

More potted geraniums. I brought one inside and am thinking about taking these inside too.
This little zinnia has survived being dug up by the dogs, drought, and other atrocities. 

Veronica and... gazania???

Yet more geraniums. These did not do well over the summer but now seem determined to survive. 

Volunteer calendula. Did you know these are edible?

 Blue Salvia, chives and parsley, along with asparagus and raspberry canes, all seem to be doing well in the rock garden.

Clyde had to see what I was doing, of course!

Drift roses still blooming well.

Those 6 foot tall zinnias in the veggie garden, still hanging in there.

Drift roses.

and more drift roses.

The volunteer mulberry.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I really enjoy your garden walks. This is what my mother and other older relatives did on a Sunday afternoon visit. This is what I tried to do with my children when they are here for the weekend or Sunday dinner. Then I offer them seeds or plants. Thanks for the tour!

  2. How great to have so many blooms this late. I had to cover my porch plants for about 4 nights of freeze so far, but they are back on the railing catching sun and any rains that come by. Of course the first blooms of the mums are all gone, and I don't know that they'll have any more, so they are just greenery, which is in short supply about now!

  3. Looks like your garden is thriving this year. The blooms look spectacular.

  4. Your garden looks wonderful, such lovely blooms. We too have so many plants still growing/surviving in the garden. I have been out picking lettuce and mint leaves today.


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