
Sunday, November 13, 2022


34, cloudy and snow flurries. But no killing freeze, yet. We expect that tonight.

A pretty surprise this morning: snow! Just little flurries that stuck to the van and the deck, and melted quickly. I should have realized snow was coming as I drank a lot of liquid yesterday,  a sure sign usually. Now, will we have 13 snows this winter? Or does this flurry count, since its not measurable? A ponderous question.

We thought it would freeze last night, as the forecast was for 25 degrees. But either the forecasters missed the mark, or our slightly higher elevation helped once again.

We went out and picked what we could before the expected cold: lots of flowers,  including this white fall- blooming iris, and several tiny hydrangeas that had no chance if developing. Silly bush, only had a few blooms all summer, then in October began developing buds.

There are still plenty of flowers blooming, from roses to zinnia, marguerite, blue Salvia, cosmos, and others. So I picked a basket full and have vases scattered around the house today. 

We also finally harvested the celery,  something we have wanted to get done for a couple weeks. There was a lot!  This grew from the stumps we left after the first harvest and was an even bigger yield. 

Two of my sisters were to come for a visit today, but their plans had to canceled as one of them developed a bad cough. Disappointing, but better for her to be home and take care of herself. But you know how it is when company is coming! I had to get busy cleaning--and before I could do that, I had to finish all the furniture projects I had going on. So 5 projects got done with such incentive. Here are a couple of them.

This one is actually still in progress; my first attempt at painting fabric with chalk paint. It came out well, so far. Next step is to wax it, which turns the fabric into a buttery feeling similar to leather.

I absolutely love the way this table came out. I decided against paint as the wood was just too pretty.

And lamps! Not furniture, but it took time to assemble these--finding shades and lamps that looked well together, painting the lamps when needed, etc.

This tall cabinet needed new shelves, paint on the inside, a little sanding, and wax.

Another cabinet and table don't have photos yet, and the chest of drawers is still in progress. It felt so good to get all of these out of my workspace!

I was disappointed when two of my sisters, who were to visit this weekend, had to cancel because one developed a bad cough. That time of year, I guess. But much better that she should rest at home and get well.

I am continuing the cleaning binge I have been on this month, trying to get to all the neglected corners. It is absolutely amazing how 2 old people can produce so much dirt! But we are constantly busy, and in and out of the house all day long, no matter the weather. 

A son and his daughter and granddaughter were  here for dinner this evening. What a nice visit. Little Eliana is a treat, so funny and independent.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. It's so strange to me that we've had our first killing freeze a week or so ago in Arkansas & you are just getting yours. I do have some greens growing under cover in the garden though.

  2. The flowers are pretty to see especially this time of year. Nice looking lamps, I used to have one that looks similiar to the one with the beige lamp shade.

  3. Glad you had a visit with some family after all. Love the work you've been doing...I'd jump to buy some if you weren't so far away! How do you save celery?

  4. How pretty all your flowers are in their vases, such lovely colours. Your furniture looks wonderful especially the little table:)

  5. 20F here last night, and last week it was too hot to plant tulip bulbs! I'll be very interested in your experience with the fabric painting. And I too am working - an hour or two per "good" day, so very slowly - on a whole-house/every item clean. It's a challenge in every way, but I'm determined to see it through.

  6. We have already had a frost here, I lost all my nasturtiums which was a bit gutting as they were covered, annoyingly it wasn't forecast so I couldn't do what you have done and go out a pick them all. We haven't had another since!


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