
Thursday, December 1, 2022

Welcome, December!

28 this morning, mostly clear. A nice day all round even if a bit chilly.

And so December begins. I am one of those odd people who enjoy these dark months, relishing the opportunity to gather indoors and "nest". But busy, always busy, although in ways different from the brighter months.

This week: I think I can sum it up in a few words. Ebay, friends, booths, thrifting, painting.

I have been trying to work more often on ebay and it has really paid off. Over 3000 in sales in the past 90 days! Sales are booming, just in time for Christmas shopping., which I have been doing in local shops this year instead of online.

A beautiful sunset this cold day, sign of a clear day tomorrow?

My friend Donna, who moved to central Florida about 5 years ago, came up to Ohio to visit family. We got together Tuesday for a long visit, and of course some tnrifting. It was so nice to see her. I admit I am amazed at her energy and nerve to drive so many miles!

Yesterday I finished up painting a small table and a stool, and priced a couple totes dmfor the booths. I spent a few happy hours crafting too, making arrangements which I hope will sell in my booths. 

I also packed up my Secrest Santa gift for someone in my Early American Pattern Glass group, tbe best Facebook group ever. I sent along a celery vase in the New Jersey pattern. I hope it is not something this collector already has! Celery was a luxury in the early 1900s, and served with the leaves on in elegant vases like this one, by the US Glass Company in their "States" series.

Today was booth restock day, since Larry has a doctor's appointment tomorrow. We managed to get both places done but I still have some books to bring in. Sales have been good, and for that I am grateful.  

Tomorrow Larry has another appointment,  so I will either be home listing on eBay, or meeting some friends from Georgia if their plans work out.

Somewhere in there this past week I canned bone broth for soups, and had a few long phone conversationswith family. So all in all, a very good week. Now I am looking forward to a frontier Christmas at a state park, a Christmas parade and playing our nearest town, and a historic home tour this weekend.  Busy times, but very good times too.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. How interesting about the celery, and what a lovely gift! I didn't know that celery formerly was served with the leaves, but I've often wondered how the idea came about to discard the leaves, when they are so flavorful. I'm glad your businesses are going so well, and my gosh, you sound busy in every way. I think you said you're surprised at your friend's energy, but I'm in awe of yours :)


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