
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Goodbye, January

30 this morning and snowing. We had about a half inch, but the day stayed so cold and cloudy that it didn't melt. We may have a bit more tonight as the temperature will be in the low 20s.

And so January remembered himself and doused us with a bit of snow and cold before dragging his long robes away. Tomorrow is Imbolc, the first day of Spring according to old Celtic custom, and I think they actually had it right, as bulbs are pushing up already and the sap is rising in the maples. 

Today was an inside day for us again, catching up on many little tasks that needed doing: changing light bulbs, oiling door hinges and tightening screws on the kitchen cabinet doors, cleaning and waxing the floors, etc. 

The light bulbs are a puzzle. These newer type of bulbs are supposed to last 5 years orsomething, and it is true that they don't blow out as often as tbe old type. But they get dim! I suddenly realized that the living room was quite dark even with the lights on. We changed the bulbs and tada, light! 

Another oddity i have noticed is a lag on my cell phone when talking to someone. It almost seems like the days when my sons were overseas in the military and we had to talk over satellite phones. Whenever one finished speaking, they would say "over" and then the other person would speak. Quite awkward.  

So this evening I googled "delay on cell phones" and I think I found the answer. I have been using Wi-Fi calling, and apparently the connection can have something called "jitters" that causes these lapses in sending and receiving voice. So tomorrow I will switch back to data on calls and see if that solves the problem. 

Not much cooking today, just a batch of egg salad to use up some of our extra eggs. We sold a couple dozen last week but still had several dozen so I felt I could splurge a bit and make egg salad. It sure makes good sandwiches. 

Reading one of the Rabbi Small mysteries this week. It was published in 1992-- and what a shock to realize that was 30 years ago! I read a few of these way back when, and picked up this one at a thrift store. The information about the Jewish faith always interested me. Also continuing to read Winter Morning Walks by Ted Kooser,  as I do every year. I could not find my copy so bought another,  figuring mine would show up after the new copy came, but nope. Maybe I lent it to someone? These poems are like old friends; I am so happy to meet them and savor their words over and over.

Doc appointment and lunch with a friend tomorrow, so after 4 days at home I must go out again. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I hadn't noticed that about the light bulbs...good to know. But a friend's phone definitely has the internet jitters. So I'll see if she can change it somehow. I have little knowledge of "data on calls." It isn't a choice that I've run into...yet.

  2. I didn’t know about Imbolc, so happy spring ta ya. I do know about New Year on March 25 because it is also my wife’s birthday.


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