
Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Tea Time

43 this morning following a night of sometimes heavy rain. If all the rain we have had was snow, we'd be covered up. Some people are seeing robins but none here yet. No Juncos this year either, which seems to be a trend over the past few years, with fewer and later snowbirds arriving.

It is time for tea, with another favorite teapot. PG Tips today. 

I am watching the sun set and looking back over this nice day. I had an appointment for a much-needed hair trim this morning,

After trim! Maybe I should have brushed my wild mop before taking a photo? 

and that had us hurrying to get on the road. We loaded up a chest of drawers I finally finished painting so that we could drop it at the antique mall after my hair cut. I like my hairdresser; Amanda is in her early 40s, like in a Victorian era house and is a frequent customer at the antique mall. And of course, at the mall we visit with whoever is working, other vendors, and shoppers. It's more like fun than like work usually.

We always plan several things to do on each trip out, which certainly saves us time and money. So this trip also included a stop at the bank to deposit our check and shopping the local thrift. I found a lot of really nice glass this time, as well as several bags of the old Shiny Brite Christmas ornaments which are much in demand among the vintage Christmas collectors.

I do enjoy my "break time" in this room. 

We try hard to keep this room project-free so that it can be a restful, peaceful space to unwind. I think everyone needs such a space, where the brain is not in overdrive and the list of to-do's can be forgotten for a while. The fire may be crackling, music playing, or we may just be sitting quietly, reading or talking. 

Many people have to leave home to find such peace, but here, surrounded by acres of land populated only by wildlife, with the closest town miles away, such peace can be easily found, if we remember to be mindful of the blessing of this place we call home.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Your room looks inviting, and you do tea with style.

    1. Thank you! I learned from the best, my English mother.

  2. Truer words were never spoken. We too have a paradise miles from the nearest town. One of my favorite things is to go out at night, watch the stars and listen to the wind through the pines.

    1. The wind in the pines...yes. I know there is much to be said for a city life, but it would never suit me. I would choose wind in the pines any day.

  3. Great to get those locks cut, looking good! A peaceful place certainly is something to enjoy often.

    1. Thank you, Barb. It is a treat to let someone else deal with this mess of hair!

  4. The room looks very inviting.

  5. Beautiful, peaceful room! I do love that quilt - especially with the yellow plaid sofa! I love being out away and really enjoy listening to the creek bubbling at night! A few years ago, a bypass was made through our narrows and now we can hear the trucks from a distance.


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