
Thursday, February 23, 2023

Ah, Spring!

60 this morning, after a beautiful day yesterday where Temps reached into the 70s. Rain overnight, so everything is soggy, again.

I think the old Celts had it right, at least this year. Spring seems to have arrived! Not that this fickle weather can be trusted, of course. The winds this week have made it feel like March, and the early flowers seem to agree.

The hellebores were the first brave blooms.

Then forsythia,


and yesterday the daffodils burst out.

I so love the early bloomers! 

I went out and piddled around a bit, but yesterday was long and tiring so I am not good for much yet today. I usually get a head of steam up by 2, though. Right now I will just sit here and write.

So what happened yesterday? Just a l-o-n-g day starting with a doc appointment an hour away. We then treated ourselves to a late breakfast at our favorite little place in Parkersburg, Unity Cafe, where they make crepes. 

Sooooo delicious. And coffee in a French press brought right to the table.

We then went to check out the Parkersburg Restore. We had never been there but had heard great things about it. We were not disappointed. Next we stopped at an antique mall and did some picking there too. Lots of finds that we can sell for a good profit, I think.

Lowe's was the next place on the agenda, to get paint for the living room and a piece of thin plywood to repair a Hoosier cabinet that is Larry's current project. Then Aldi's for groceries.
Our monthly shopping trip there cost us 104.00, but we stocked up well, especially on their wonderful Irish and English cheeses. I restocked my wine stash too. 

After leaving Aldi's we stopped at Walmart for gas, and I ran in to get bread. I have discovered that my stomach objects to whatever preservatives are in shelf bread, so the only bread I can eat these days is the fresh-baked deli bread. The French bread is actually a bargain compared to the shelf bread, at $1.47 a loaf. Works for me on all levels.

The last stop of the day was the best: a drive on a beautiful West Virginia back road to buy fresh-made maple syrup from Minner's sugar shack. I am so excited to find a maker close by, and can't wait to taste their syrup. We better like it, as I bought a gallon! I forgot to take photos there, but did snap some of interesting buildings along the road.

It was after 6 when we got home, and we did only the basics when we got here, putting away groceries and taking care of the critters. But what a nice day it was. And I think we are justified in being a little weary today.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Sounds like you had a very busy and interesting day. Your Spring flowers look lovely:)

    1. It was a good day, and nice to get so much done while still having fun.

  2. Great and definitely long day you all had. I can't wait to hear about the syrup. I can buy some that's from Ohio. That's what I've found.

    1. I had to taste it today! Delicious. There's another syrup maker about an hour and a half away that will have an open house mid-March. I hope we can go.

  3. Enjoy those early bloomers, they're beautiful. I love the old buildings you captured on your travels, they definitely have a story or two to tell. Enjoy your day.

    1. I wish the light had been better , Bill. Maybe we will get back up there again, on a better day.

  4. Crepes are one of my favorites as well! We just got 4" of snow back home so I am afraid we won't see spring for a while yet.

    Love Minners Sugar Shack. Those old buildings are becoming fewer and fewer.

    1. Oh dear, I hope the snow stays away. But it is supposed to be in the 20s tomorrow night, so winter isn't done with us yet.

  5. Your area both looks and sounds charming tight now. We’ll see flowers in about two months. Probably a little less.

  6. If walls could talk I bet those old buildings would have some stories to tell. I hope you have enjoy your rest.

  7. I wonder if there will be a syrup season up here this year - the weather has been so peculiar. But now we are finally having Winter in a big way.


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