
Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Messy Valentine's Day

30 yesterday morning, warming to the mid-50's. Breezy, light clouds.

We are in the home stretch with painting the kitchen. But it is a challenge to get around in there. Fortunately I had some meals planned ahead so little cooking is required. We should finish up today.

Open shelves are great, until you have to paint. Then everything has to be moved. This photo shows only a tiny corner of the mess. And since everything is down, it will get washed. Curtains, dishes, everything.  It's how we have been doing the whole room, so it will certainly be clean when we are done. 

In the middle of the day, a truckload of gravel arrived for Sarah's road. Her shipping container cabin should finally arrive in March, so the road needs to be good to get it up there and in place. The truck driver is Allen, a man i have known since he was a teen. And now he's a grandpa and grayheaded. 

There are still some spots of beauty around the house, like these flowers Larry gave me for Valentines Day,

and a surprise shaft of sunlight on these paperweights. 

To all of you, a very happy Valentines Day! 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. You're keeping busy. We painted our kitchen years ago when we owned a house. The previous colour was pepto pink and we hated it. Completed it in one day and that's the last time I have painted anything. Good luck and enjoy your Valentine's Day.

  2. Painting kitchens and bathrooms are challenging. I know you will be glad when it is finished. I love your stove :)

  3. I'm working on my kitchen too...but nowhere near the in depth things you're dong! Happy Valentines to you all!

  4. Oooh I love the colour of your kitchen, so bright and cheery. It is such an upheaval decorating isn't it but so worth it when you have finished.


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