
Monday, March 13, 2023

Living Room

27 this morning, occasional snowflakes falling throughout the day but melt on contact. Grey and dreary.

I know I've been missing in action lately, but I am happy to report that the living room paint job is finished,  mostly. So that is what we have been doing.

Some pics:

Here is the Blenko glass, back on its shelf in front of the glass door. Up above, the center panel.was made for me as a retirement gift from my assistant. On its right a panel found at a yard sale for 2.00. On its left, a piece made by my longtime friend Nancy. I treasure these 3 pieces. On both ends, matching panels bought on ebay about 20 years ago. And behind the curtain so hard to see, a lovely antique panel that is badly damaged on one end, but I paid $8 for it happily. Maybe one day I will find someone who can repair it. The plant shelf is temporary, alwaiting to get these plants outside.

More Blenko high on top of the bookshelf. All nice and clean! We found the arched stained glass window when we were building the house, for $25. It used to be on the outside wall, but is now inside since we built the log room.

I am still thinking about what art to hang on the walls. This piece is probably not going to stay.

Still no art up on what I call the gallery wall. We have a nice antique mantle at one of our booths, and I am thinking about bringing it home to put on this wall. It is quite tall, darl oak with a mirror. What do you think? Would it be too much?

I love this lamp. It is one of a pair, given to us by our late son Jon. 

So, now the room is a much lighter color on top, with the same blue-green as before on the bottom. I am kinda wishing I had gone with a bolder, darker green on top, but I do like the brightness of the room now.

Besides this painting job, last week we restocked both booths, drove to Ohio to pick up auction finds, and Larry has been restoring an original Hoosier cabinet. No garden work, but sadly my seedlings were a casualty of the painting project, as Larry tipped them all over when he tried to move the stand I was using for them. Some may recover, but thet look pitiful right now.

I need to go look at the list of Oscar winners too, and see how my favorites did. I have heard a bit, and it sounds like this year the focus seems to be on Asian actors and artists. Did you have any favorites in the running this year?

In other news, today we are waiting for granddaughter Sarah to arrive. Her cabin will finally come next week--did I say that in my last post?--so today I have baked scones and an apple pie, and we have a big pot of chili and a salad ready for her arrival. The box of teas is out, and we are so excited to see her.

That's about all the news today. Stay well and warm!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. You've got a beautiful and colourful glassware collection! Thanks for popping by my blog today, Granny Sue!

    1. I enjoyed your blog very much. I'll be back. And thanks for your return visit here!

  2. WOW. If I ever, ever, EVER, get my tiny shack looking as beautiful and welcoming as your home, I will invite everyone I have ever met in my life to come visit immediately.

  3. The glass is lovely, especially near the window. But it is the full bookcase that I find especially welcoming. What a homey room.

  4. You did a fantastic painting job on the living room, it looks nice and refreshing. The coloured glass looks awesome in the window light.

  5. Painting that living room looks like a lot of work. I love that many of your items elicit memories of those who gave them to you or where you found them.


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