
Monday, March 20, 2023

Of Cabins, Cabinets, and Much More

19 again this morning. Cold, cold, cold. Like February and March traded weather! Mostly clear, light breezes.

It has been a busy time here as Sarah's cabin plans progress. The cabin may arrive this week, we are not sure yet. Much hinges on weather, of course.

Otherwise, I have been cooking for the workers and sweeping up after dogs. My goodness, can these dogs shed! I have not had an indoor dog in many years, and had forgotten how much hair they can lose and still be hairy. But Sarah's big boy Glen and our little Buddy have become fast friends, and I do not know what Buddy will do when Glen leaves.

Larry has been working on the cabin, of course, but he also has almost finished work on this genuine Hoosier cabinet.  (Pardon the stuff on the floor, this is Sarah's room while she's here)

 This one still had the sifter, which is often taken out.

I really like the hooks and the cookbook holder, still there surprisingly.

And on this door, a towel rack and a spice rack! They made special spice jars for Hoosier but we don't have any. Yet. Maybe one day we will find some.

You see those lighter places on the doors? They held some cardboard signs, like for measuring amounts, and this calendar, but both were in bad shape.

I so wish we had taken before photos,  because this was the worst one we have ever tackled. It had been in an old building for many years,, and needed a new back and a couple sides replaced.. the tambour doors--the roll-up ones--were in pieces too. But now it is almost ready to take to a booth, and he is deservedly proud of it.

I have been working on ebay betweentimes as it is important to post items regularly in order to sell. Today was china,  some from the former Czechoslovakia and a Meissen teacup. There are quite a few pieces of this pretty set.

I have been using this cup and like it very much, but for $40-50 I could be persuaded to part with it!

Yesterday was crystal very blingy bowls, the day before framed needlework. Or was that several days ago? It gets blurry when we have so many things going on.

The cold has kept me out of the gardens, very frustrating. But today Sarah and Larry did manage to pull down a branch that has been dangling dangerously over our sidewalk. Our intrepid granddaughter!

I did put garden stakes by the new iris to keep the dogs from continuing to smash it. Flower gardens and dogs are not a good mix, at least at my house.  Then spent some time painting this chair. 3 of them down, one to go before I start on the table that will go with them.

As far as cooking, so far this week I have made Italian wedding soup, brownies, venison stir-fry 2 batches of cornbread, turkey salad, apple spinach salad, waffles, and tonight Colcannon which is an Irish dish, with ham and corn. If nothing else, we have been eating well.

Recipe tomorrow, I promise.

All the news for now!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. It was colder there than here in this strange world of ours. You had much to do Indoors, however.

    1. Yes, there is no figuring out the weather these days. How funny that you were warmer! Maybe some of your snow is melting now?

  2. Love the Hosier cabinet. It saw many a loaf of bread made under it I imagine.

    1. I bet you're right, Barb. It is such a pleasure to see it returning to its former beauty.

  3. and all the dogs want to do is play and have fun. :)

  4. You have been busy. I have a Hoosier cabinet and the sifter is missing, but otherwise in pretty good condition. I think they are treasures.

    1. The sifter is missing in mine too, Michelle, but I don't mind because I would never use it. That space is perfect for my cookbooks!

  5. I've never seen a Hoosier calendar!


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