
Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Still Washing Glass

30 here this morning, but 22 down along Joe's Run. Elevation makes a difference. Clear and pretty, after a windy, nice day yesterday. Maybe the soil will dry enough to till today?

So yes, I am still washing glass. This time it is the opposite end of the spectrum, and my other favorite kind of glass, made by the Blenko Glass Company which is located about an hour or so from my home here in West Virginia.

Some of these are decanters, and have stoppers but they are not in the decanters right now, because it would be too easy to knock them off. Plus I wanted the bottles to dry thoroughly first. The white lamp is not Blenko, of course.

This is my most recent piece, given to me by a dear friend a month ago. I picked the last of my last year's hydrangeas to put in it.

The dish in front, and the dark green are also not Blenko. I cannot find the maker of the dish, and the green is an Early American Pattern glass vase.

And more. The dark green on the left has a dark red "head", because it is a "Flatwoods Monster piece. Flatwoods Monster is a popular West Virginia monster legend.

Blenko makes handblown mid-century style glass, very sleek and contemporatory, and oh my, the colors. And the shapes are amazing too. Each piece is literally a work of art. My collection has mostly been found in thrifts, yard sales and auctions, although thereare a half dozen that I bought new at their facility. 

This means, of course, that the painting job in the living roomcontinues, and the house is a total mess, again. Yesterday Larry painted the hardest part, the high wall in the living room. What. A. Job. But he is very nearly done with that one, and then has one wall left that isn't very long. When the kitchen is done, he'll move on to the log room which as a few areas that are drywall, then our bedroom. Then we will stop until next winter, when we will, God help us, empty out my ebay room and paint it too. And that will be the whole house done, except the workroom which is another log room but not finished really.

I spent a lovely day yesterday with a friend, visiting the antique shops where I have booths, and a few other places. We had lunch out, and just talked and talked. This lovely friend brought me more Lenton roses--she gave me my first ones several years ago--as well as some double snowdrop bulbs and 2 Annabelle hydrangeas. She gave me two of those before, and they are doing well, so I am happy to have more. 

Today I am on the road again to pick up merchandise, and to see another friend who is downsizing and wants to sell some things. So I will see you all later, and catch up with your blogs this evening.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I don't know much about Blenko glass, but those colors are beautiful. I have some Fire King I have collected through the years, but that is about it.

    1. Ever since I was a child, I have loved colored glass--or any sprakling glass for that matter. I like Fire King too, and use it a lot for baking.I really like the Sapphire Trilbe pieces.

  2. Your coloured glass is so beautiful and nice to see. All I know about glass is if you drop it, it breaks. :)

  3. Gorgeous! What an undertaking - washing all of that but how it sparkles!

    1. Yeah, it's work, but I don;t really mind. We only do it a couple times a year, and it doesn't take very long. Plus, I get to rearrange it and that's always fun, like playing house in a way.

  4. Even more glass, the fact that this lot has more colors reminds me of my friend L who collects colored glass and is especially fond of green, in all shades. But I am glad that I don't have to spend time cleaning that much glass as you two do, as pretty as it is.

    1. It's not for everyone, that's for sure, but there are a lot of us glass collectors who actually enjoy it. Seeing all the colors, rearranging, etc, it's a hobby like any other. Some people collect cars, others have sewing rooms full of projects, some do woodworking. I collect glass. But I am at my limit now, and so if a new piece comes in, one has to leave.


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