
Saturday, April 1, 2023

Blow, Wind, Blow!

56 this morning, after a wild night of thunder, lightning, and heavy rain. Today the wind is incredible. 

The power and the phones have been off and on all day. It's not safe to be out, so we are hunkered up and waiting it out, all other plans on hold. I did seed two more kinds of tomatoes: brandywine black and Giant Belgium., and some cayenne peppers,  all in pots in the little greenhouses now. Expecting cold tonight but not freezing.

I am feeling so sad for all those who suffered from last night's storms. How terrifying it must be to find oneself in the path of a tornado. It seems like there is really no place that us completely safe from some type of natural danger. Canadians have snow and ice and extremely low temperatures,  we in West Virginia have floods (although we personally are safe, being high above any streams). Out west is drought, flashfloods, avalanches in the mountains, the South gets hurricanes, tornadoes and floods...and the list goes on. It certainly keeps us humble in the face of Nature, doesn't it? Maybe the day will come when man controls the weather, and I bet we'd make a right mess of it!

Larry went out this morning before these winds arrived to look for molly moochers, the local name for morel mushrooms. And look what he found! 

While he was gone I made one of our favorite breakfasts,  one that we don't have very often: toast spread with guacamole,  then a slice of ham, then a fried egg, a slice of tomato, and topped with a spoonful of Greek yogurt. Absolutely sinful, I swear. But leave out the ham and the toast, and it is fairly healthy. Here is mine after I began demolishing it. You should know, this is a salad-size plate, not a full dinner plate!

So, back to doing pretty much nothing while the wind howls. We are not complaining though, we are both just enjoying the rest. Tomorrow I expect we will be right back at it as usual.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. We call those morels, "dry land fish". Now making their appearance in my area. Our spring has been so windy, stormy, and damaging for our town. We have been fortunate, but it seems never ending.

  2. Just high winds here Saturday, whistling in through the window cracks. I stayed in also.

  3. Wind can be scary at times, stay safe!

  4. Your weather sounds horrendous, I find strong wind quite frightening and dislike walking in strong wind as it is disorientating. I hope things calm down soon. How wonderful to find those Morels. Breakfast looks good too:)

  5. Daddy always called them dry land fish too, he loved them. So did my middle brother. He learned how to find them from Daddy, and how to hunt, fry up squirrels and fish too. Just seeing that phrase dry land fish brought back a lot of memories. My husband has found a few morels, but not me. They are high dollar here. If I had a bunch I would surely sell them.

  6. Strong winds can be downright terrifying, especially at night when the power is out and you can't even see what's going on - on coming down, or flying around - outside. Hope there was no damage to assess when all was quiet again.

  7. How wonderful to find mushrooms locally. Your breakfast sounds wonderful. I have just made another batch of chilli jam, I love that with egg.

  8. Molly Moochers is an interesting term! I don't think we have them in my area (S CA). Or maybe we do and I'm just not aware of them. Hopefully the winds die down soon!


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